All the Light we Cannot See
All the Light we Cannot See
Chapter 13
Soviet soldiers were screaming and shouting out orders, but Max knew there was nothing to stop the ground from splitting apart. He quickly ran toward the medic tent, trying to avoid heavy armored vehicles and the splitting ground.
“Andrew! There’s an earthquake- the ground is splitting apart!” Max panted as he entered the medic tent. But inside was empty, with a crack filling the whole tent. Andrew had fallen through. Max couldn’t believe it, he got on his knees with disbelief. His best friend, his ONLY friend, is gone. Max wanted to curl into a ball and cry about it but couldn’t. Because this is what he signed up for. Kill krauts, see his comrades die, and show glory to the allies
“Come on! We gotta get to the desert.” Kostya said, grabbing him by his uniform collar.
Max quickly got up and ran out of the tent, gunshots ran through the air. A Spinosaurus which Max knew because of its large spine whacked a T-34 tank into the air, landing on some unfortunate soldiers.
“FÜR DAS VATERLAND!!” Max quickly looked at the jungle and soon enough, waves of German soldiers poured into the trenches. Some falling into the cracks along with some tamed dinosaurs.
“Get in! Quickly!” Kostya exclaimed as Max got in a truck with some other Soviet soldiers.
“IDT!” One Soviet soldier shouted at the driver. Soon the engine started and Max and the soviet soldiers were on the way. 2 other trucks followed behind them with 1 tank and 3 vehicles.
“Where are we going?” Max asked, still traumatized by the attack.
“The desert, it’s the safest place for us to go.” Kostya said as he gave Max a piece of a Soviet candy. Max saw no point going with the Soviets. His whole company was gone, his friends were gone, their hope of escaping the island was gone.
Soon the cries and shouting from the trenches faded away, the silent air made everything so lifeless. Then the truck came to a stop.
“Pochemu my ostanavlivayemsya?!” A Soviet Officer asked.
At first there was silence then the driver said softly, “T-tam yashcheritsa, idi posmotri!” Soon Max’s whole truck unloaded and looked around. Indeed there was, in the distance a huge lizard, the size of a Soviet Tank, was eating on something. The truck driver behind Max shouted something.
“Beri T-34 i vzorvi yego, my ne mozhem pozvolit' sebe ostanovit'sya.” The Soviet officer said to Kostya. Then he told the T-34 driver something and soon enough, the tank was in front of Max’s truck. “OGON'!” The officer ordered. The tank fired at the lizard but missed by a few feet. By then the lizard was alerted and spotted them. “PRODOLZHAYTE STREL'BAT'!” The second shot hit the lizard on the back and it fumbled down the sand. Then the whole place celebrated.
“Davayte dvigat'sya, vozvrashchaytes' na svoi mesta!” The officer ordered and everyone went back to their trucks. As they drove through the sand, Max saw the lifeless lizard they shot at as they passed by. It was bigger than a T-34, Max realized. But wait, why wasn’t there blood? Surely everything has blood when hit. Max wondered. Then the lizard opens its eyes.
“STOP THE TRUCK! THE LIZARD IS ALIVE! STOP THE TRUCK!” Max exclaimed, Fortunately Kostya seemed to understand what had happened and told the driver. The driver said something on the radio and soon enough, the whole place opened fired at the lizard.
“That was one hell of a trick that thing had.” Another Soviet soldier said. Max was surprised he could also speak English, but he decided not to say anything. The huge lizard again fumbled into the sand, with a huge hole through his chest from the T-34 shot.
Max suddenly blacked out, when he opened his eyes he was in the same place as his other vision but this time he was in the desert, just where he was.
“Oh Max, don’t you see? There’s no hope of escaping or leaving. The creatures on this island will maul you one at a time until none of you are left. But you Max can give me power of this place. The war is still raging Max… you could all forget about it.” Then a bright light flashed and he was back in the truck.
“Get some sleep, it won’t be until tomorrow we reach our destination.” Kostya said.
But Max didn’t need anybody to tell him, as he dozed off.
Note: story is in the Island ABC order, hope y’all enjoy this!