ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

As a vet ark player I have learned of the most valuable use for the bronto is its raiding capability. The ability to tank multiple turrets and species x wile still doing massive amounts of damage to plants and bases is one of the most valuable things in the game right now. High level bronto can reach 70-80,000 hp and cannot be enraged as a gigga can mix that with a few well placed mountable turrets, a decent saddle and it becomes even more of a raid tool Other then the Titan and turtles this is the most valuable raid Dino. Upgrade health only for raid status Brontos! Happy hunting.
More Brontosaurus Utility Tips
Just found out something really useful about Brontos! You can use them to transport goods a long way, but sometimes you have more than the bronto can carry, so, if you pack your resources on something like a high level parasaur or iguanodon, and put it on the platform saddle, it only takes the Dinos drag weight, not resource weight, allowing you to carry tons of materials at half the weight!
Prime Meat Gathering (In my world) tip:
1. Get a bronto, then get its platform saddle.
2. Build a small base with an industrial griller and other things that are useful.
3. Pair it with some large carnivores, like some rexes or gigas, and go to the badlands.
4. Command your team to attack enemies that drops prime meat upon deaths. Assist your team by riding your bronto and attack it, the higher the bronto, the stronger and tankier it is and better.
5. Gather your fallen enemies' corpse (Recommended using a Rex or Giga)
6. Get up on your platform saddle and turn on industrial griller (If want cooked) (NOTE: Please bring many gasolines for the industrial griller for cooked ones) or put in preserving bin (If want raw)
7. Enjoy your Prime Meats.
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-Ark Mobile Venti0122