ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Argentavis Stories Tips
i remember my first one of these on evolved before asended came out his name was talon one day talon me and my freinds were going to tame something i cant remember what and on the way to its habitat he almost died to a troodon and then after a year of playing on that server the person who made it shut it down 2024 comes around and i finally get asended and when i found my first argentavis it looked exactly like talon and i immeadietly tame him and name him talon eventually talon dies to a troodon (kinda ironic) so i decided to taxidermy him and gave him a memorial.its okay to grow attached to a creature in game just like i did with talon my best dino and one of my best pets in all of video games
One time I saw a 145
Although I’m low level
I chose to give it a go
So I built a big cage
Put the bird in a rage
And it followed me all the way in
Then I knocked him right out
And he fell with a pout
So the trip for prime meat began
Oh look a stego!
He’s a good looking fellow
I’m sorry but now your prime meat
So now I must feed
My one-of-a-kind steed
So that he will, forever, be mine
Well he ate and he ate
While I patiently wait
And finally he needs just one bite
And then he was mine
Oh how very divine
I took him all the way home
Through the ups and the downs
He was always around
And a great life he truly did have
But Oh now he's gone
It is all simply wrong
That he should die by such a terrible foe
Now he’s in a better place
I will miss his great face
But He would tell me it’s time to move on
R.I.P. Humble
An Argent, but not just an Argent
Here’s a story for all you bored peeps! So, on Mobile, I had an Argy. Level 78. Her name was Toriel. I brought her EVERYWHERE. We could take down an Alpha Raptor! We’d kill anything that threatened us. But one day... it was the daily quest. A Kill 10 Dimorphodons quest. I thought, ‘Hey, let’s have Toriel help!’. So she did. I’d whistle her attack target on a Dimor, she’d kill it. But then... she began to attack one. They were both circling, trying to catch eachother, like they do. They went higher, and higher, and higher... I never saw Toriel again. She never died. She never landed. I searched day and night... but I never saw her again. #Pray for Toriel
I have a story, everyone! I had an Argy. Her name was Toriel. (Ark Mobile BTW) I took her everywhere! She was level 65, but could take down an Alpha Raptor like that! She was amazing. But one day... it was the daily quest thingy. Kill 10 Dimorphodons. I thought, ‘I’ll bring Toriel along!’ so I did. She helped lot. She killed them for me, and it was pretty easy. Until... I whistled her attack target. She charged. She and the Dimor circled each other, trying to bite. As they circled, they went up, and up, and up. To this day, I never saw Toriel again. But she never died. I never got the message. I searched far and wide for her... but no Toriel.
The Five Talons of Abberation, Chapter Two...
Syaoran walked down the streets of a small town, which was called Sanlow. His Jerboa was perched upon his shoulder, grooming himself. "So, Kuuma." He said. "What to do today..." He walked along, before stopping at a stall, which was full of fruit. He took a couple of berries and apples and paid the man, before turning back to the road and walking away. He kept his hood pulled up, careful to avoid eye contact. He walked for a while, before he spotted a crowd of people. He walked up to them, shoving his way to the front. There was a girl and a Yi Ling in the center of the circle, and the girl stood atop of a barrel. A violin was on her shoulder, and she rested her chin on it, her foot tapping on the barrel, as she began to play it, creating a rhythmic sounding beat. Her Yi Ling began to creat a beat alongside hers, making it sound even better. It wasn't long before she started singing, and she was plenty good at it.
I met her in the summer
Down by the Golden Bay
Like flowers in the water
I can't forget her face
No wonder she's a stunner
And takes my breath away
Like flowers in the water
She dances in the rain
Then she paused, before continuing.
There once was a boy that looked like me
He lived in a town right by the sea
Just skippin' stones and dreamin' life away
And that's no way for a boy to live
With a wandering mind and a heart so big
Just waitin' on a pretty girl to show her face
He was focused on her by now, watching her as she hopped to the ground and started dancing, before continuing with her song, repeating the first verse.
I met her in the summer
Down by the Golden Bay
Like flowers in the water
I can't forget her face
No wonder she's a stunner
And takes my breath away
Like flowers in the water
She dances in the rain
No wonder she's a stunner
And takes my breath away
Like flowers in the water
She dances in the rain
She paused once again, and looked directly at him. She had pretty chartreuse eyes, and her hair was pure white. She tipped her head towards the center of the crowd, gesturing for him to dance. He shook his head, continuing to stare at her. She then shrugged, before continuing to dance and sing.
We'd sneak down by the roaring rocks
Her emerald eyes and feiry locks
The greatest sight that I have ever seen
She's a bonnie siren of the sea
And plays me like a melody
Just blurrin' lines between real life and dreams
I met her in the summer
Down by the Golden Bay
Like flowers in the water
I can't forget her face
No wonder she's a stunner
And takes my breath away
Like flowers in the water
She dances in the rain
No wonder she's a stunner
And takes my breath away
Like flowers in the water
She dances in the rain
Just like the waves I wish that she'd come back around
And stay with me in this old town
I met her in the summer
Down by the Golden Bay
Like flowers in the water
I can't forget her face
No wonder she's a stunner
And takes my breath away
Like flowers in the water
She dances in the rain
No wonder she's a stunner
And takes my breath away
Like flowers in the water
She dances in the rain
She stopped, bowing as the people applauded her. Syaoran stood there as the crowd dispersed, wondering if she'd come talk to him. She placed her violin in the case, before turning and walking towards him. "Hi." He said. She smirked at him. "Why not dance?" She said. He kicked at the dirt. "Oh... uh..." He struggled to think of a reason. "I uh... can't dance." She scoffed. "Don't be silly." She said. "Everyone can dance, if you just go with the rhythm." He shrugged. "I don't know..." He said. "Oh well then." The girl said, shrugging. "Not like I care."
-SangToareGirl (The Song is Flowers in the Water, by Nathan Evans, by the way!)
#Toriel. There is a recall button in Mobile, if toriel isnt dead you can teleport her back to your side in about 10 minutes. I know Because I've had to do that with my Eerie Argie several times. She will lose everything in her inventory though. Howevwr you will have toriel back. Hope this helps, Happy Hunting!
I had a Argy names big bird I painted it yellow and we flew everywhere as my base got more and more bigger it started attracting enemy’s big bird fended them off over night while I was asleep I found big bird a ms big bird and I painted them both yellow as the days go on big bird and ms big bird had a baby bird I put the egg near the ac as I do that big bird starts a fight with a stegosaurus and almost loses so not thinking I set big bird and ms big bird to peaceful I log off for the night and wake up to shooting I run outside and see big bird on the floor and ms big bird standing over his body there was a sniper on the kill he takes out ms big bird and there they lie dead by eachother the guy ran away on a red terror bird I get upset and make them grave stones then I remember baby bird he hatched and was hiding behind my wall I let him grow and he lived a long life pray for my baby bird as he grows with no parents now