ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They are usually aggressive, but once hurt, they will become skittish and try swim away from you.
Since there’s no scuba gloves just give us webbed gloves like a platypus.
No, you don't need a saddle.....
Angler fish have the bright antenna, so look out for that whe. Trying to locate one.
You tame it by knocking it out with tranq arrows what more is there to say other than WATCH OUT FOR THAT HUGE SQUID
- Main use is after tamed they will attract more anglers which can be harvest for gel
- Secondary use would be a mobile underwater tame that also has a built in light
- Lastly they can be harvested for gel which tames Manta's
(Angeler gel is the longest burning fuel source at 6 min per gel)
It seems there is a strange circular underwater hill near herbivore island that is apsolutely crawling with anglers, how many does that mran? Well I've seen about the entire rest of the ocean's population of anglers all at that hill
There tend to be quite a lot of angler spawns in North zone near Carno Island
Super easy to tame not even traqs are needed ,
Clear the area
Find the angler
Have it aggro on you
Use a cage to trap it
Place a fish basket
BOOM instant tame
(This works for ictiys too)
No tranqs
No prime fish meat
Your welcome :))
Easy tame on Fjordur next to swamp island
In crystal islesyou can tames them in the bubble. Stand outside and shoot them with your longneck when they come close to the edge. Easy tame. You can passively tame the eels in the bubble too
many can be found in pearl cave!
but watch out for bears.. and yetis...
and purlovias..
They have a LOT of torpor. I tamed a level 10 and it had 1500 torpor
In the scary ice cave their are anglers up to double max level