Three moons- Great story moonππππ
Three moons- Great story moonππππ
Three moons- Great story moonππππ
Open the Dododex app on iOS or Android, select a creature, and go to Tips > Submit Tip.
Hello Everyone! Here's chapter one of my story, if you don't know who I am, I am the one who reads, review achatina story section to find stuff about me, but here it is.
Teeth, Talons, And Tails. The first three…
To moon, the author of the obelisk.
You should make a YouTube series maybe about the obelisk when you finish writing it, could be a fun idea.
-Someone who reads alot of books
If Moon doesn't make mor of obelisk i will RIOT.
Wait moon will you still be posting your chapters on dododex? Alot of people who read your stories can't use Twitter because of age restrictions, and we all love your Stories
-The one who reads
Still waiting for feedback on my creature vote idea, I just wanna know if you guys think its a good idea.
-The one who reads
Wow moon! Both parts of chapter 65 were great! Absolutely great. Thrilling perhaps?
-The one who reads
Ello mates! One who reads here, I need names for the three main characters of my story, a female juvi yutyrannus ( smart and
Calm ) a male juvi andrewsarchus, ( strong and angry )a male juvi basilisk ( smart and the…
?REEEEE wheres obelisk chapter 61? Its been 2 weeks since 60 went out
(Read this like your singing never gonna give you up ) I realized, long ago, that moons story was like wings of fire, iiii just wanna tell you that I love it.
Read WoF, my favorite book is 8 because PERIL IS AMAZING
-Someone who reads alot
Ps my alias is someone who reads books, my name is calem.
I actually almost cried after reading all the support you wyvernian, and lynx have given me since I last posted. I am definitely going to continue posting. Bless you all.
-The One Who Reads.
Hey everyone! I just wrote chapter one of my story, Teeth talons, and Tails. (Name is work in progress) in yuty section!
-The one who reads.
So uhhhhh I dont exactly have a name for my story? I honestly wasn't prepared to write as im in school this week and I can't exactly risk getting caught writing- so readers in achatina section, I need names for my…
To moon
Thanks, your story inspired me to write my own story, and I will probably make it on fjodur, as my story im writing wouldnt work on other maps because im too inspired by the obelisk to write another…