ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies

More Achatina Funny Tips
I am smol
And I am snail
I have a shell
I have no tail
I monch the cake
I live in swamp
My bite is weak
I can’t go chomp
I make the paste
With outright haste
Predators do like my taste
My name is snail
And I am smol
When scared I curl up in a ball
My name is snail
And I am smol
Thanks for letting me waste your time, y’all!
-snail song- like for more songs
Achatina's are by far the hardest animals to escape on the island. Their insane movement speed is devastating to you and your dinos. These snails are also very powerful and will kill your gigas within, at least, 24 hours! The best thing to do when you see them is bola them and run.