ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Encountering Tips

How do I kill a achatina? achatina battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
I don't understand if it only eats cake then how does it survive in the wild? For every good ded does it get cake? These are questions that will never be answered
I recommend you find a wild one and trap it in an enclosure, it'll poop out cementing paste without you needing to tame it
- Snippet the compy
I once knocked one out in the redwoods and got it to 85% when a carno came out and started eating him. He wouldn’t even re-agro onto me when i was hitting him.
He slip, he slime, but most importantly... to tame take a lot of time.😎😎😎
You can encounter them in deep forests
Pwr: 8
They live in REDWOODS And swamp
Sometimes it drops angler gel. A helpful tip should include more information
Punch this snail to low it's life without taking cover to it's shell before killing it with high damage weapon
Passive Little Guys Walk Up and Pet them
On Ragnorok they can be found in the swamps need the blue obelisk
They are found in and around the swamp biome and can be carried by all mounts with a carry function
They are also found in the red wood. A lot more safer then going around in the swamp trying to find one
Accessing report file 1
code name snail
entry one: the achatina is a snail like creature they are located in the deadly swamps of the island they are the base prey and often are killed by the lethal creatures of the biome
entry two: the achatina is a slow non hostile creature and is tamed by veggie cakes it has three special traits when at low health the snail will retreat into its shell this will cease the attackers will lose agro and should any snail killers attack it they will deal very low amounts of damage also they can be picked up by survivors and the final trait is when mobile they will generate organic polymer and cementing paste this is why they are valuable creatures
entry three: when attempting to obtain this creature there are several strategies that will sufice grabbing them with a flying creature to take them to a safer place is the best option when at your home you can make an area to keep them from moving and either tame them or leave them wild and take the paste they make
This section describes how to react to an encounter with the Achatina.
If engaged and damaged, the Achatina will retreat into its shell and will neither flee nor fight back. Damage dealt to the Achatina will be heavily reduced for as long as it is inside of its shell. Achatinas do however drop a considerable amount of chitin when harvested, so they are a worthy kill for those looking to collect it, at the expense of the time and effort needed to kill one.
Although the Achatina itself is not dangerous, its surroundings are usually filled with dangerous predators. Clear the area of hostile creatures before attempting to tame Achatinas, or pick them up with a flying mount. An Argentavis can carry two Achatina at once when using its claws and beak.
Any weapon or creature will be able to sufficiently kill an Achatina given a little time, though one should shoot the achatina with tranquilizer darts to knock it out for taming, as there is little benefit from exterminating them.
Wild Achatina sometimes take damage over time randomly as a result of being knocked out by titanoboas, waking up, and having their food lowered to 0 in the process.
Achatina - wild and domesticated - do not and cannot fight back when attacked.
Do not try to kill even a lv 5 one takes forever
I Never knew this but I was killing then with my Spino and I got some Angler Gel. They don’t give nearly as much as an angler, but if you ever need a little bit, just kill these guys!
Random fun fact: this snail is actually on every map besides genesis part 1
To get a lot of XP do a lot of of the worst times in the game and it gives you two or 3XPXP if you’ve got all the things around you will get Jesse
Pat them they are friend shaped!