ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Taming & KO Tips
How do I tame a achatina? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a achatina.
They can wear hats!!!
I like to make note that this is a knock out tame
And their not breedable! Why. I want baby achatina!!!!
If you are considering breeding these, go slam your hand in a car door a few times. It will be much less painful. Literally one veggie cake per percent of growth....and it grows slow.. Digests roughly one point of food per second, so feed a cake about one for every 7 mins (during event boost) and it will gain one percent of growth.
Infinite cementing paste hack:
Step1: make 5 cakes
Step2: blast some random sail in the head and feed it
Step3: Name it “Gary”
Step 4: set to wander
Step 5: lock it up in a cage for the rest of its worthless life and throw the key in a industrial grinder
Has a high torpor drain ASA. Up for all to see.
I wish that the veggie cakes didn’t spoil. Heck, hostess twinkies and cupcakes basically last forever irl!
Pick it out of the swamp with pterodactyl and plop it around your base
Do not starve tame. There is a cool down on the veggie cakes that don't allow it to eat them as quickly as needed.
If you are playing Official PvE, you can grapple them with a grappling hook and then fly or walk them back somewhere safer for them to be knocked out, such as your base for example.
As of 12/20 it took 15 shots (5 tail 10 head) to knock out a 150 and 9 veggie cakes. The head, tail, or she'll shots don't seen to make a difference anymore.
Just found out today they can mate if you put them on wandering in a cage.
Apparently they reproduce??
I've been told they don't and many tips said they also don't but they do.. they also both get pregnant at the same time, but they only feed in veggie cake from what I saw
They worth the veggie cake. It gives 100 paste and organic polymer. Just level up their food so they won't be hungry fast.
I have 2 bee hives and 7 tree sap taps (important to make veggie cakes). I can produce more cakes than what my 2 achatina can consume at a time. Now, I never run out of paste and have a lot of veggie cakes (I needed separate refrigerator just for my cakes)
How does slime get bola-d? I need to know
They eat tasty cakes
I found these still only tame as base rates during the evo event.
Lower level means less cakes to tame. Carry it with your argy to your base. Tranq it, feed it cakes. Set it to wander and it will produce achatina paste at a maximum of 100 just over an hour before you need to empty it. If you store they only eat cakes so just level the food stat on them so you never have to waste cakes. They will regen in the cryofridge.
If you want to tame it on a swap, but you're afraid that you will get sneak attacked by any of the 3 horseman of the swamp, just kidnap it with a preta and land it near your base, then you tame it without many troubles.