ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Nirvana Tonic (Old ARK Mobile)
Nirvana Tonic (Old ARK Mobile)
- ×207 Potent Dust
- ×200 Mejoberry
- ×72 Narcotics
- ×72 Stimulant
- ×20 Rare Mushroom
- ×20 Rare Flower
- Spoils In
- 5h
- Unlearns all levels and XP but retains engrams
To make Nirvana Tonic (Old ARK Mobile), combine Potent Dust, Cooked Prime Meat, Mejoberry, Narcotics, Stimulant, Rare Mushroom, Rare Flower, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire. It spoils in 5 hours.
The tonic smells like teen spirit
Good for keeping engrams but hard to level up again to that level.. be careful if you are planning to create and try it. nobody on dododex warns for this....
When grinding your amber, make sure you use an industrial grinder, NOT a mortar and pestle because using an industrial grinder you will get 3 times as much potent dust per amber.
Useful to unlock all engrams in single player
To get potent dusts, plant some snake plant seeds, aconitum seeds and other plants that produces potent dusts. (Idk if these type of seeds are in PC or Console cuz I'm on mobile)
Me eating Nirvana Tonic mmm… *Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana starts playing*
make this and mindwipe, knock a high lvl player from enemy tribe with ascendant club then force feed both >:)
The real savages eat this then eat mindwipe tonic straight after...
Knock your enemy and feed hem he lose hes leave
Anyone else notice the bowl is green colored instead of like ceramic colors?
Don't grind amber just grow dust using snake plant or any other plant in decor it will take time but will only cost 4-5 amber and it is renewable because one seed can be planted multiple times....
this is gonna be a pain in the @$$ to make
Put ingredients in cooking pot and got mind wipe instead of nirwana
Thats not how potent dust looks like
WARNING it doesn’t work in the industrial cooker ONLY A COOKING POT
U know if u drink mindwipe after this it will bring u back to the start of the game u will lose all ur pursuits ur engrave and ur lvls
I hate this i made mindwipe MORE THAN 5 TIMES
You can get patent dust with Artifact of the Immune. Kill Pacers for prime meat. Farm Narco and Stim berries. Get mushroom and rare flower with beaver dam. So easy to get
Don’t even grind amber for potent dust just farm artifact of immune and you can get 25 dust at some point and put a bed next to the artifact and die take and respawn only works on casual
The only difference in Nirvana tonic and mind wipe tonic is that u need potent dust to make Nirvana tonic.
For new players the texture on the recipe is wrong.
U need potent dust, not the flint dust(forgot its name)
Grind amber in mortal or grinder or do a lot of swamp cave.u will get potent dust that way.