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I’m here to help you lic which kind of wyvern u want.


Colors: greys, reds, oranges, black and even pink

Design: typical spiky frills that are commonly seen on dragons and basic tail

Breath: fire that has short range but is wide and does heavy damage and burn damage

Recommended for: SE pvp and pve, Valgeuro pvp and pve, ragnarok pvp and pve, lost island pvp and pve, Fjordur pvp and pve

Located: the main trench on SE, a corrupted form in the wastelands Extinction, in the bottom of the ice trench on valgeuro, the main trench and cave on ragnarok, the main trench on lost island, the trench in balheimr on Fjordur


Colors: blues, purples

Design: a spikeless frill with bumpy edges, slender fleshy tail

Breath: long ranged lighting that deals heavy damage and stuns creatures but hard to aim

Recommended for: same as fire wyvern except for valgeuro

Located: main trench on SE, main trench and cave on ragnarok, main trench on lost island, Asgard trench on Fjordur


Colors: greens, pinks, greys

Design: frills very similar to a dilo or boa and frilled tail

Breath: a ball of gas that erupts and seals very high damage, ignores armor and deals damage to walk through the remaining gas, but does recoil to you as well as being hard to hit

Recommended for: SE pvp, Ragnarok pvp, lost island pvp, Fjordur pvp

Located: main trench SE, main trench and cave ragnarok, main trench lost island, vanaheim trench Fjordur


Colors: blues, purples, grey, black

Design: very spiky with spiky tail

Breath: icy breath try at deals low damage but drastically slows enemies

Recommended for: ragnarok pve, lost island pve, valgeuro pve, Fjordur pve

Located: like nests scattered through murdersnow in ragnarok, ice trench on valgeuro, ice trench on lost island, jotenheim trench on Fjordur

Now that we’ve gone through the wyverns I woudl like to say this, my personal ranking for pvp worst to best is ice, poison, fire, lightning and for pve is poison, ice, lightning, fire

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