ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Definitely can not fit through a dinosaur gate, they can't even fit through behemoth gates... they are huge
More Tusoteuthis Utility Tips
I was upset to find out we can't grab wild creatures on official servers but I'm still happy with this tame. They produce oil in their inventory, hit like a truck, (best of all) immune to jellyfish. Now I have enough biotoxin to Botox all of Beverly Hills.
Makes oil when it eats
I got mine to 100,000 hp, with 522% melee... Iโm not scared of the ocean anymore.
Power-wise they are basically the gigas of the sea
You can easily kill other tusos and alpha tusos with a decent level one yourself. Just stay above their ascension limit and attack from above. A wild tuso cannot grab a tamed tuso.
The reason why it doesnโt have a platform saddle is because it doesnโt have bones or a back. Like if it had a back, it would have a platform saddle because the back can actually carry weight and it has bone to support. But the tuso doesnโt have a back or bones. Imagine you were boneless and you only had arms and a head, and you had to swim with a block of concrete on your face.
Add a timer for how long tusos must hold on to things to nockout
Squid ward would be proud of what he's created
Most things people donโt know about the tusoโฆ they can mate and you get a weird looking egg, hatches in the water but when placed on land it will instantly disappear. Found that out the hard wayโฆ
Be sure to take out any black pearls in its inventory, as it will eat them if it runs out of meat...