ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
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Quick question, do yall know if I can avoid giving creatures cravings and avoid imprints. I want to tame a trike for this creature. But I don’t know if I can get it without the imprints and expensive cravings. Just for a starter rhynio. And will the rhynio be alive and adult. I don’t need it op I just can’t find an argy or a quetz to tame and all the pts on my single player are max level 30.
These CAN be picked up by the wyverns. I dont know about Crystal or Ice wyverns or Voidwyrms since they’re not in ASA yet but I know for a fact that Fire, Lightning and Poison wyverns can pick them up.
Remember that you need this and the tribute so don’t be shy
Requires the Bob Pack!!! Also, an adorable addition to your collection!!
When an Ichthyornis comes up on u, u gotta look at it until it goes away. They are attention hogs and will only rob you if u don't pay them attention.
You could also just shoot them, 1-shot with shotgun
They spawn on extinction. Click that arrow to the sky so the devs can show it in maps.
sarco are very good for mid game they are fast and strong easy to tame to tame: shoot them with a tranq arrow and run form them and shoot them again till you knock it out now feed it with meat or fisch meat and now you got yourself a sarco