It turns out they are really good at getting chitin with a moschops
It turns out they are really good at getting chitin with a moschops
It turns out they are really good at getting chitin with a moschops
Open the Dododex app on iOS or Android, select a creature, and go to Tips > Submit Tip.
Up if you think there should be a tree elemental a bigger version and tougher on the island.
Up If you hate it when your argy gets taken down by thylas and you die but then your argy dies
I was on an adventure trying to find a giga and my best argy argent got snatched by the the thyla and I fell my argy is lost somewhere #prayforargent
Up if you think wild card should add a rock elemental in the island
People who say longneck is better for taming are wrong I used a crossbow it was 14 shot it was a level ten
Lvl 1green Rex who found kept spinning in circles didnβt even bite me it went into water but didnβt drown when itβs full body was under water?
Just so you know they spawn at the left of 40 on the map I got so much exp and chitin
Stupid Thylas in the red wood forest
I died twice to these guys well finding the giga I saw before then two jumped at me I knocked out one but died the I got on my second argy then whoosh he jumped out and I heard the John ceana music just turned on my…
I once tamed one but a alpha raptor came I thought he was ready then boom my Rex died then I lived there for a while died 13 times.
Down if yes add to island up if no