ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

So here's a very good tip for newbies in ARK swamps.
If hunting, target the Boa first. Make sure you kill them!
Here's why. About the Boas, they have a good poison. They might knock out someone with just 2-3 bites. Not so deadly, but when you're asleep, other predators might kill you. You don't wake up quickly. Bring a good pet and some stimulant. You might need a ranged weapon too.
Boa= Titanoboa
If you see one of these don't just run. Turn around walk backwards while using a pike to poke it in the eyes. Keep your distance well and you'll kill it without even taking a hit.
If u are in ark mobile ( like me ) and u want to get titnboa eggs make a small room without a floor pick a female with an argy and drop it in the room and get the eggs (sorry if there was any grammar mistakes)
THEY CAN SWIM!!!! Don't run into water THEY WILL CHASE YOU!!!
Why is this in the passive tame category it is not passive at all. I learnt that the hard way. Walked right up to it easy one way ticket to heaven. Saying this for all the noobs like me out there.
I found one in swamp but it uh but my pteranodon and now it’s unconscious and now I’m stuck in the swamp please send help
Titanboa need a TLC. It should eat meat after tamed. Real snakes don't just eat eggs they eat meat and it would be nice if you can ride it even without a saddle
Feel like they should be breedable....
To collect eggs, build a 2 room pen (Dino gates work great as walls and dividers). Agro a bunch of TBs and lead them to one side of the pen then trap them in. Lead them back and forth between the sides as they drop eggs.
Acid spitting tape worm on crack and fricking
hates all thing that move
If it is a boa, then it should kill with constriction, now venom, boas kill with constriction, vipers kill with venom.
To the guy who said that the ark species are made up they really aren’t there almost all real Dino’s that have lived
-Build a trap wooden, 3x3, 3 walls high (with entrance ramps if pve) just out side of swamp.
-Drop or lure Titanoboa inside.
-Fly up untill out of render distance to stop agro
-Fly back down, hover above (not too close)
-Drop eggs 2 - 3 at a time from your inventory not tames.
Keep dropping eggs until tamed.
I tamed from the back of my giga but you have to drop eggs from your inventory not your dinos.
When taming the Titanboa, firstly build a taming pen (google ideas if needed), drop a titanboa into pen. After this you can sit on top of the pen and throw eggs in front of Titanboa every ??minutes (depends on egg used for taming). Use an egg timer lol