ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
#prayfordaniel. Ok this is similar to the Daniel thing but instead it was a DODO yeah a DODO ok so wandering through the redwoods and boom dodo came right behind me and attacks my tigers butt so I hop off that thing went zooming I went after it and never found it. Hopefully that stupid dodo died. Btw I never had a thyla in making a story.
More Thylacoleo Funny Tips
You donβt find thyla, thyla finds you
This thing jumped on me and violated me in so many ways
Once I had a thyla named Daniel. He was a lvl 165 and my best scouting creature. But one day, it all went downhill...
Me and Daniel were chilling by the redwood waterfall when a pegomastax takes my pistol. I jumped on Daniel and we were off. But on the chase for the pego, a microraptor jumped me and I was knocked to the ground. But Daniel chased the microraptor and ran very far away. When I woke up, I ran in the direction of Daniel, but alas, I lost him. A week of searching later, I got a message, telling me that Daniel had killed a microraptor. I had lost hope until then, and now I would find him.
Two weeks later, still no Daniel. But I never got a message from his death. Be strong lil buddy. I'll find you.
these things are completely harmless...
if you have a pocket giga.
If you want to tame one of these nice and cuddley cats just fly in the redwood and one will jump off the tree and give you a big bear hug. It just wants to show how much it loves you!
#PrayForDaniel we will find you buddy
Don't run into this creature while tripping off shrooms
Step 1: bola a friend
Step 2: have the nice kitty hug your friend
Step 3: bola the kitty
Step 4: enjoy how smart you are
Step 5: rapidly shoot tranqs at the kitty
Step 6: party
The trees, they speak Vietnamese