ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Nice threads about these animals..
Marsupial cat not to be confused with feline like most cats.
This is first hand experience..
Thyla's are top of the food chain in the Redwoods!!
While riding any Apex predator like Rex, Spino or even a Yuty etc...
Thylacoleo will knock U off your mount period! Then the fun starts!!
More Thylacoleo Encountering Tips
Had just finished farming crystals and metal on the mountain in the Redwoods, was flying back to my base with my Argy carrying my Ankylo when one of these f*ckers jumped out of nowhere, pinned me down and killed me. I thought my dinos were done for, flew back as quick as I could with my Ptera and just as I got there luckily my Argy-Ankylo duo managed to kill the oversized cat.
The redwoods are now basically a no fly zone, I lost a quetz, and a pter to these b******s. They jump out of the tree, rip you off your mount, and then pin you and your mastercraft armor to the ground and murder you.
My hate for these guys is immeasurable
It all started when I played ark for the first time, I had managed to tame a high level tapejara and absolutely love him. I named him Barry and we set off on many adventure exploring the island. On day I was just flying through the redwoods and usual taunting the carnivores below me for not being able to touch me. BAM the thylacolia jumped out the trees and ripped me off Barry. Barry was whistled on nuetral and as he came down to aid me a desperately tried to get him on passive, but I was panicking, my screen shook as I was terrified as this was my first encounter of one. I tried to punch it but I inevitably died. I respawned and immediately got on my pteradon but just as I got on the saw the message in big red letters that Barry had fallen to the thylacoleo.
My Barry rest in peace
Me flying casually through the redwoods : Can’t go 10 steps before getting torn to shreds by an overgrown kitty cat
Me actually trying to find a thyla to tame it : Can’t go go 3 times around every single tree but still can’t find any…
And that’s why I’m always looking for a thyla… it’s safer… I even made my base in the redwoods to better look for them, and almost never got jumped on…
You can't even run from these. Just accept your quick and painful death.
I was just looking for obsidian when out of nowhere this guy comes and knocks me off my Petra pins me to the ground and killed me
(We love you Cole! :D)
You can use a snow owl's heat vision ablitiy to see thylas in trees!
It's basically the Randy Orton of Ark.
It just RKOS's you outta nowhere...
they are on Fjordur in asgard I know this for sure just saw one take on two allos obliterating the two
These cats always perfectly land on your back.