ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Utility Tips

What is a thorny dragon used for? thorny dragon battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
I have 12 on platforms 4 pillars high scattered around my base. I have an issuse with dino spawns in the base. So they act as a long range needle launcher. Weigh down with sand because its weight isnt affected by the dragons buff. Set all to long range aggressive and u have a protected base. Add a few plant X for added assurance. I no longer have spawn problems. Found a ready to tame terror bird today too pretty neat.
These guys are my go to wood gatherer for my single player simply because they are carnivores. They will only gather wood and thatch when harvesting trees and not pick up a metric ton of berries like other wood gatherer tames. It's not super hard to empty your dinos inventory of clutter but still nice not to. Also has the added bonus of healing faster because it eats meat.
I don't play with the SP boosted stats checked so in a fight it can take out low to mid level trash especially with back peddling and it's bite attack. Vs. pack creatures and larger tames like Rexes I would definitely recommend you bring other tames as protection.
These are my favorite mounts. They're the beaver of Scorched Earth. They gather wood very well. The initial carry weight isn't too bad& neither is the health for small fights. So they're also decent battle mounts if leveled properly. One of their biggest assets is their ranged quill attack. In addition to a small amount of damage, it also deals torpor. Not a lot, but could be helpful in aiding knocking dinos out. Overall, they're a great mount in my opinion. They're biggest downside is their slow movement speed. Getting from A to B can take a while. Leveling in Health, Melee, & Movement Speed is highly recommended.