ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If you want to tame
one of these bring lots of narcotics
Can I own a T-Rex and the Spino
If you want to see one of these get onto a high place and start shooting Trank arrows
More Spinosaurus Taming & KO Tips
If you hear your mobile ring and you misplaced it.. run like hell because a spino is staring down at you.. right now..
A good way to get it unconscious without a flying dinosaur is by making 10 stone pillars, 10 wooden ladders then climbing up the pillars and shoot it with tranq darts or arrows, it can't break stone fast so ur safe. Pls don't use less than 10 pillars, I tried and I got pushed of the pillar and just died:( Sorry for my bad English. Hope this helped
Why tame either a Rex or Spino… when you can take both? 😏
Want to tame a super dimetrodon? Read on! Before we get to it, you're gonna want to prepare these things:
5/ 10: Intermediate
-Taming weapon and ammo (Bow (Tranq arrows), Crossbow (Tranq arrows), Longneck rifle (Tranq/ Shocking tranq darts)
-Taming food (Meat (I prefer raw over fish) / Mutton, Kibble)
-Biotoxin/ Narcotics
Now that you have what you need, let's get taming!
For this dino, there are 2 methods (Honest). Here they are:
METHOD 1: The Trap
The usual. 2x2 stone trap (4 stone floors, 16 stone walls and 4-6 ramps), cost efficient and simple. Lead the spino into the trap and tranq it down. When taming, make sure to watch its torpor as it drains quite fast!
METHOD 2: Trapless
Very easy to perform. Find a spino and tranq it down, and chase it when it runs (Do note the spino is EXTREMELY fast). Also clear the area of nasties (I lost my spino to a Therizino), they like to aggro on everything. Now repeat the taming process and welcome your new spino to your family!
Now, onto the features of the Spino:
Spinos are glass cannons, typically having lesser health but more damage than a Rex. They have 2 stances -- The 4-legged and 2-legged stances. The 4-legged stance has a high attack rate but lesser damage, and vice versa for the 2-legged stance. They also have a Hydrophobic Boost, which boosts their stats when they enter a body of water. This increases their movement speed, damage and damage resistance.
That's pretty much it for the Spino! Thanks for your time and check out my other tips!
PREVIOUS TIP: How to tame a Baryonyx
-Your average ARK Mobile player ;)
How to tame a spino
First you have to be level 30 or above as that is the minimum requirement in my opinion
If u dont wanna spend like 50 hours crafting stone Dino gates then u have to use a high stamina flying tame and go look for a spino underneath a ledge or tall rock, firstly you need to check dododex for the amount of tranqs needed, (use crossbow, bows rlly aren’t for spino and it will take u a lot of time ) after you know the tranqs you need, hit the spino and then test if it can reach u if it can’t tranq it down, if it can find new ledge
The chances of you outrunning a spino are near to zero as they are VERY fast especially being a semi aquatic water animal and being absolutely massive compared to most of arks creatures. After u hit it a couple times it is gonna start running, tip: spino are rlly fast so you have to be prepared to either bolt for it or get on your tame the second it runs, (these things are really fast no cap) either they might get stuck or if u are prepared you can place Dino gates or something behind it on the forehand so when it runs it gets stuck (keep in mind it’s not certain it’s gonna run there)
After it’s knocked out go to a river and get a bunch of fish meat or raw prime fish meat, check dododex as if u use raw meat u’ll miss out on a good opportunity to get levels from the taming efficiently if u were to use fish meat (they prefer fish meat since they swim)
They have decently fast torpor so guard it kill animals that get atleast within 10 meters, a spino is big so it’s hitbox is rlly big and u’ll need to guard it, keep feeding it narcoberries or narcotics, depends on level of level 1-5 u can use narcoberries, besides that boom u now have a tamed spino (location underneath this paragraph sorry for the long writing :) 👇
They can spawn in the southern islets sometimes it depends usually near rivers or oceans that are near swamps or sometimes even in small streams next to big beaches and ledges, they can be around rexes and brontoes and allosaurus so be careful when u locate your spino, if u want a reallly high level then u need to be very prepared obviously but yea that’s all
(If u still can’t find a spino then check water locations, next to water or in a forest anything like a beach or forest or stuff near water they will be in, they spawn all around the map , besides the Antarctic place they spawn everywhere,).
I’m sorry for how long this was but I tried to include a lot of information just so if you fail to do something in my info their will be a plan B or something but yea hope it helps thanks guys
Keep playing ark peoples🫵🙏
How to tame a spinosaurus: 1. Get a flying mount like a Pteranodon. 2.get a bow and tranq 20 arrows . 3. Find spino. 4. Shoot . 5. Cry in self pity because your lvl 45 and you need lvl 71 for its saddle.Thanks for reading!
Their babies are insanely strong. I breeded my lv 40 and the baby was even stronger then both of them combined! I definitely recommend breeding these guys. Also. Now I can take on that stupid alpha Rex. Don’t worry. I fully imprinted this little guy just like all my other ones. Every one ☝️ is one strength for my baby spino
Sam: I heard your mobile ringing
Dad: That's impossible, I lost my phone on the boat.
*Nokia ringtone*
Doctor Grant: *Whispers* Run..
I just knocked out a 140 spino
It's terrifying
Hey, ok so the center, coordinates 08.1 / 63.4 spinos will spawn there, if is not high enough just kill it, leave the area and come back after 3 mins. Normally works, I found a 150 and I'm taming it rn