ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Sam: I heard your mobile ringing
Dad: That's impossible, I lost my phone on the boat.
*Nokia ringtone*
Doctor Grant: *Whispers* Run..
They said the beaches were safe. The things I’ve seen on beaches would scare many men
What confuses me is that people choose this for a power mount, specifically for the purpose of having a power mount. Guys, these are WAY faster than carnos or allos, and they regain their stamina faster, AND the water buff makes them utilize their stamina more. So you also have a speed/scout! Put that together with lightning fast dps, large size, sort of good hp(it’s a lot of hit points, but compared to other creatures the same size, it’s pretty fragile) you have the IDEAL tame.
Oh, did I mention that they swim?
AND they regain stam almost instantly when swimming?
We can’t forget the rex vs spino part of the tip:
You’re looking at an even match here, I’d say. One on one, your level one spino will beat your level one Rex, but you’re not necessarily getting one of them specifically for beating the other one, if that makes sense.
Spinos are MUCH quicker, and have a considerable edge on the damage output, but they’re not made for the beating that a Rex can take. If you’re looking at going to battle, it makes sense to choose a rex… much more health, and has a poop roar, which can be useful against smaller creatures.
Spinos are good for travel, and guerrilla tactics.
The only things that can easily catch up with one are pteros and gallies(to be honest, who is going to chase a spino with a gally…).
Quick, good swimmers, great damage, but low compared to Rex.
I have both, and I’m just being honest when I say I prefer the spino, mainly because it’s way more fun to ride, and because it’s faster and more powerful damage-wise. I still love my Rex though.
Note: tamed rexes are actually quite fast.
Another note: spinos are disliked for their turning radius, but in bipedal mode, they have virtually no turning radius, instead turning with the screen like a human or gigantopithecus.
Thanks for reading! I hope this helped
TLC patch coming in March 2018 to add the ability to swap between 2 legged mode (faster attacks and ability to attack with claws) and 4 legged mode (Faster movement), as well as increased turning radius, movement speed, damage, and health regen while in water and for a short time after leaving it.
Once I was just chillin at my base with my 4 trikes, 2 raptors and 1 bronto them this spino walks up to my base wrecks my house and kills my tames I barely get away on my raptor. THIS BEAST PLAYED VOLLEYBALL WITH MY BRONTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tamed one now I have a big base lots of tames and my spino is the same one that ruined my base all that time ago. (Ironic right?)
Who said you need trap for these boys?
First, get tranq darts and biotoxin (their torpor sucks). Then, get a Tapejara/ Raptor/ Equus so you can shot while you are on the saddle. They will run away after you shoot them some times so chase them. One knocked it out make sure to check on the torpor level so you don't lose it. Then, name it Pookie.
You don't need traps if you are fast and more intelligent than them🍷
Hey, ok so the center, coordinates 08.1 / 63.4 spinos will spawn there, if is not high enough just kill it, leave the area and come back after 3 mins. Normally works, I found a 150 and I'm taming it rn
Spinos are not only my favorite dinosaur irl, but they are my favorite mount in the game. They are agile for their size, deal tons of damage (especially when bipedal), and are so fast. If your Spino just stand in a puddle of water, it will get the hydration buff, which increases its damage by 15 percent, movement speed by 20 percent, and health regeneration by 25 percent. In the wild, they are extremely dangerous, aggroing on almost everything. However, when low on health, they will run away from a fight as a last-ditch effort to survive. Overall, even though there are faster creatures (Direwolf), creatures with more health or damage (Rex or Giga) and better creatures for diving the ocean depths (Tuso), they are the most well rounded creature to have - especially when mutated. My mutated Spino only has one useful mutation, a health mutation, but I pumped his damage so high, he is dealing over 1500 damage. I highly recommend the Spino to every survivor. It is so worth it.
Don’t mess with this unless you gonna tame it, it has high damage enough speed so you don’t get away and in the worst case a waterbuff
Which makes him do more damage and he never runs out of stamina cuz it recovers faster than it consumes it with waterbuff
I tamed a Lv 80 spino with raw prime meat
I used 200+ narcotics and 40+ bio toxin
Are you considering taming a fish-eating apex predator of the amphibious (but mostly land) variety? Who am I kidding, you probably are! But for starters; in this tip is what I would recommend bringing or using! You, however can tame this beast in whatever way you think will work! However it’s also good to know what your getting into, now let’s get started! Let’s start with supplies!; Since we are dealing with a apex predator, Be sure to consider packing flak armor sets! As this is the best, cheapest armor to make! Next on the shopping list is the narcotics! When taming this beast it’s best to know that it’s torpor goes down exeedingly quick so I would suggest about 100 / 200 biotoxin to keep it asleep, next be sure to pack taming supplies! I would suggest packing kibble, It likes superior kibble I’m pretty sure, (be sure to check as I might be wrong!) if you don’t have access to kibble, the next step down will be prime fish meat! Also i suggest bringing a fast flying tame, why? For its size, do NOT underestimate its speed, it uses it to eithor run you down or, in this case run away! Now there is two stances the spinosaurus will use! The primary stance it most commonly uses
Is it’s quad-pedal stance, it will stand on all 4s and grants it with a very quick way of getting somewhere, it’s downside is it’s maneuverability to turn! It’s other stance is Bi-pedal, this stance is used primarily by the spino for a damage boost and maneuvering, it’s downside however is it moves way slower than quad pedal, quad pedal doesn’t do nearly as much damage as bipedal! I suggest using bear traps, as the net gun won’t bring this apex predator down, (chain bolas work too!) also consider bringing about 100 tranq arrows or more cut that in half will be the amount of darts you will need,! Taming is similar to that of the most renowned apex predator of the ark commonly known as the giganotasaurus! The spinos torpor goes down half of a 1/3s of that of a gigas! Taming might take a while depending on what you are useing! You now have yourself the fish eating apex predator known as the spino! A very quick and great battle mount in diffrent stances! Also makes a decent bossbattle creature! Hope this helped, and as always happy taming, and take care! :D
Okay, so, I know there’s this thing about how rexes are better than spinos and vice versa, but the spino is superior. It’s faster, stamina lasts longer, and its dps is insane. Not to mention that it has a hydration buff that makes it even more powerful. They’re loose cannons, which is why they die in the wild a lot: they kill EVERYTHING in sight and then they get killed due to the enormous amount of angry dinos chasing them(the spino is faster, but it usually gets cornered against a cliff). They also have two speeds that each come with their own attack… that’s pretty rad. Literally the only downside is their hp. Just upgrade hp to a safe level. Against the Rex, their damage output is way higher. The only thing they don’t match is hit points, but like I said just upgrade hp if it’s a tame, and you have a vicious killing machine. These are a must tame .Hope you enjoyed, even if it was long.😂
This account has to hatto my goal and sharko is murder
Beware at least one spino ALWAYS spawns dangerously close if you pick south zone 3
Love these things so much. I swear they WANT carnage, and it’s terrible when that is used against you, but I love having that for myself. While having a much smaller aggro range than most larger carnivores, it is FAR more vicious. In the wild, I’ve seen them take on rexes, trios of trikes, and I even saw one kill two brontos in a row(a theri ended up damaging it so much it ran away, but still…).
I know the roar is useless, but I’d even go so far to say it sounds way cooler than the rex’s. I had a high level spino named Mom, and I would put her on aggressive because it amused me to see “your Mom killed a rex and/or triceratops, bronto, raptor, etc.” I like that they’re overpowered. DONT nerf them. Ever. Please. Thanks for reading!
As a beginner they’re your worst nightmare they will destroy your base and all your tames BUT as a tame your everyone else’s worst nightmare