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There are several processes to tame the Shadowmane and I will share my experience so that it can be of help. First is fishing. I highly recommend fishing in shallow waters. Tameing in a deep lake is very tedious since the fish (except piranhas) tend to go upwards and it is impossible to catch them. +1.5 fish are rare, but 1.2-1.3 fish tame well. When it comes to tame them I recommend this trap. 4 foundations, 8 double frames, 16 walls and 4 roofs with hatches (but without the hatch) In this way a box is formed and covered without problem from below (under hatch roofs. To put them is very simple. You have to get their attention and when we take you to the trap you have to fly over it. In this way he will make his jump attack and fall into the trap. Then you have to go very, very far from the trap area to calm down and come back. We hope that he starts to sleep at 8:00 am of the game and we feed him from below. In my experience if there is no tell us nearby, the Shadowmane sleeps me until approximately 9 pm. Hope it helps.

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