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You’re a low level looking for a Griffin that respects you? You’ve been like me and looked for them for days straight and killed many generations of Griffins without finding one? Here’s an easy way for you to encounter one with the same surname as you (for Mobile SP only)! WARNING: Not for the people who are easily bored and distracted.

If you’ve played Pokemon for a while you’ll know this term:


What you need: 2 free save data slots, a bed/sleeping bag, a griffin trap (same as argy or rex trap), a decent flyer with decent health like an argy or a high level pte, soothing balms (optional if you want a high level tame) a lot of prime meat or allo kibbles (like a LOT a lot) and a loooot of narcotics or biotoxins, (a level 100 needs like 200-300 biotoxins even when you use a 10x soothing balm) and a bit of patience (you probably have this already if you’re hunting griffins anyways)

Step 1: Go to Far’s Peak where the griffins spawn, go up the mountain top and save. Leave to the menu, go to your save data and save to a free slot then return to your world

Step 2: Fly down the mountain slowly and find a griffin spawn point (you will know since mobile spawns literally drops them out of the sky and they kick up dust if they spawn on the ground), take note of this spot then leave the game, restore your last save data and return back in.

Step 3: Go down to NEAR the griffin spawn point, just out of render distance so they don’t spawn in just yet, save and leave, override your last data with this new one and return back in game

Step 4: Fly closer so the Griffin spawns in and you can check with spyglass to see if it respects you. If not then leave the game, restore the last save data, repeat until you see one with the same surname or just say “Respects you” when you check the info. Save the game and leave, save this to your remaining free save slots just in case.

Step 5: Lure the Griffin into the trap and leave it, don’t knock it out yet. Put a bed or sleeping bag near the trap and wait for night time. Sleep when it’s night, this will reduce the Griffin’s food to 0, making it easy for us to starve tame it. Also make sure no other dinos get near the trap and the area is safe because it can eat the smaller dinos and we can’t starve it.

Step 6: REMEMBER TO SAVE AND OVERRIDE YOUR LAST SAVE DATA FIRST! Knock it out, check if it’s food is at 0 or down near 0, if not then repeat Step 5 (optional but this will make sure you don’t have to wait a full 5 ingame days or so to tame it), put the soothing balm in and feed it then put in all the food you’ve prepared.

Step 7: Enjoy your new Griffin!… Now repeat all the steps above for another one in the opposite gender so you can breed it for Griffin eggs, making griffin kibbles so you can easily tame high leveled ones late game.

Before this I tried to kill griffins for 4-5 hours without one spawning, but doing all the steps above AND taming TWO griffins took less time than me hunting for one the normal way, Soft Resetting itself took less than an hour for me to find 2 with the same surname, I fed one with prime meat and one with kibble, prime meat absolutely decimated the taming effectiveness, putting it to nearly 0% but that one was a female for eggs so less important.

Thank you for reading my essay

- Erizo, a fellow newbie survivor

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