ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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The Riddles of The Phoenixes
The Lost world
Chapter two: Caught.
Captain Paul dragged Cedric along toward the castle. “Cedric.” His father said, sighing exasperated. “What did you do this time?” Cedric’s mother rushed to his side, and father followed her. Cedric yanked away from Captain Paul and glared at him. “I think you stretched my ear.” Cedric complained. Captain Paul smirked. “It might help you listen more, to your parents.” Cedric only scowled.
Cyra put her hands on her son’s shoulders. “What happened?” She asked. “Prince Cedric burned the statues in the city.” She said. Jack’s face went dark and Mother’s hands tightened around Cedric’s shoulders. “What do you have to say for yourself, this time?” Jack asked Cedric.
Cedric shrugged. “I would say, I’m thirsty. All that running tired me out.” He said. Jack hid a smile. “You may leave.” Cyra told the captain. Paul bowed his way out. Cedric held my head high as he looked at his parents. “Why did you ACTUALLY do this?” His father asked. Cedric frowned. “Well, it was either set them on fire or draw mustaches on their faces. But…considering that wouldn’t be as fun i set them on fire…accidentally of course. I only lit up one statue, and then seconds later the others were on fire. You should be happy, they were rather ugly anyway.” Jack hid another smile. “Cedric!” Cyra scolded.
Cedric tossed his hair carelessly. Cyra and Jack exchanged knowing looks. Cyra went and stood by Jack. “Son, you are sixteen…” Jack began. “And how old are you?” Cedric asked. “Cedric!!” Cyra scolded. Cedric grinned. “Sorry. I’ve always wondered.” He said. They began to talk to him about “self discipline”, “growing up”, “responsibly”, and all that another nonsense,(Or at least Cedric thought it was) but Cedric stopped listening. He stared blankly at them, their words muffled like he was underwater.
Cyra was making furious gestures as she talked and Jack was nodding along. Cedric began to listen as they discussed his “punishment”. “You have to grow up. It’s time you learned that. You have two choices. Stay here and be grounded for a year or go to the Phoenix school. They teach you how to control your powers and stuff.” Cyra said. Their son’s mouth dropped open. “WHAT?!” Cedric cried. “You want me to go to some stupid school?!” He shouted. “Either that or you get grounded for a year.” Jack said. Cedric thought about it for a moment. At least at school he’d have time to do…other things and not be stuck in the castle for a year. Cedric turned to look at his parents, a gloomy expression on his face. “Fine. I’ll go to that dumb school.” He said. “Good. It’s about time that you started listening to your tutors anyway.” Cyra said. “Tomorrow is when the first day starts, there will be other new kids. We’ll head there tomorrow morning.” Cedric only scowled darkly.
He didn’t want to go to that school but it seemed he didn’t have a choice. This would be quite a adventure and he was sure he wouldn’t enjoy it. Or so he thought….
The righteous (aberration version)
Chapter 3
After Eric defeated the karkinos he set a journey to the mushroom forest.. we continue are adventure at the fertile lake
“So.. it should be somewhere.. that way!” He pointed on a place on the map.
A big rumble came under him as a giant roll rat emerged under him!
He saw a red and green gem next to the roll rat
“oooh!” Said Eric
He grabbed the gems.
The rolerat turned right around and charged him
“Oh s!” Eric yelled
He rolled out of the way in time
But the roll rat kept chasing him until it dug in the ground.. and as Eric thought he was safe.. it came under him and he flew into the air!
Dropping the gems
“Agh!” Said Eric
The rollrat was still mad
His raptor bit it’s forearm and the rollrat bit the raptors eye out
“No! Rarks!” He yelled
The raptor screeched and backed off
Eric got on rarks and rode away
Next one will be on basilisk! :D
Kong_prime here again the abandon youtuber so DenDaDutch and I decided to tame a roll rat for the race zen x told us so den and i took very long time to tame 5 roll rats he did a path with wall so no hostile will come ruin our race and it was fun tho i named mine sonic the hedgehog with drugs and my fren zen x named it amber heard veal named his roll rat ancient roller coaster and Zach named his roll rat Mutant Rat and DenDaDutch named his roll rat GAS GAS Gass man what a good life we have