ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a rockwell? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a rockwell.
Don’t read this tip because he’s not even tameable
Step 1: spawn into arena
Step 2: attempt to feed element
Step 3: fail because it isn’t tameable
Step 4: Die
Step1 summon him
Step2 feed him your SOUL
How to tame
1.grab chez itz
2.throw chez itz
3.if chez it don’t work uses admin force tame
Step 1: Go up to him
Step 2:Piss your pants
Step 3: 5 doses of force tame
Step 4: Name him
How to tame: one nice dose of force tame should do it
Rockwell is one of the most interesting characters on the ark, ranging from what he used to be to what he is now. So let’s talk about him! In this tip I’ll explain what actually happened to Edmund Rockwell from ark to ark. So let jump in!
Ark: The island
In this ark Rockwell wasn’t really corrupted as he was obsessed with the potential of the infamous obelisks that hovered in place. In fact he was so obsessed with it he lied to nerva (the presumed alpha tribe) closer to the obelisks saying they could be turned into a weapon, nerva being a warlord, this obviously caught his attention right away this was his first sign of corruption.
Ark: scorched earth
This is where he developed his own superiority complex. Whenever Helena walker talked to him, he would always position himself as the superior one. One of the key notes in S E is when Rockwell poisoned a victory feast when the tribe he was in defeated the manticore (gaining element) before then stealing the element for himself.
Ark: Aberration
Rockwell was fascinated by this environment as it provided him with test subjects. But then was cut off. This sent him in a downward spiral where he injects himself with element “to test its affects on the human body”. The notes he wrote this point forward were demented drawings with text as if he wasn’t the one talking. This is where Rockwell completely lost it. And the element took him over completely turning him into the boss on abberation: “Rockwell” more specifically was “Edmund Rockwell”.
Ark:Gen 1
Upon gaining access to the gen simulation, he implanted himself in code as what we know as the corrupted master controller, where survivors who got to him were offered mercy “only if they joined him”. If they did they became his minions both in the simulation and outside.
Ark Gen:2
It’s unknown how Rockwell retrieved his body from the abberation wreckage and got himself on the genisis ship. But Rockwell hit rock bottom in his search for his form of ascension, by digging a deeper hole for himself. Upon implanting himself in the Boros sector, he mutated and developed a very unusual environment, the creatures inside were mutated becoming R- Dino’s, he also created summoners and shadowmanes to defend the sector from the genisis ship crew we know as the federation. As the federation uncovers more about what happened to the boros ring, all access of the ring was restricted. Rockwell when confronted with federation personnel. Rockwell scolded them, and insulted them for being “as pathetic as to defy a god”. He also gave them the option to “plea for mercy” and upon defying him in a note from 2 federation units, one escaped while the other had the life sucked out of him by a noglin.
And upon finally defeating Rockwell as you (the player) you watch a cutscene you being ejected from the ship, and HLN-A talking with Rockwell, Rockwell prime “What… Stayed behind to gloat?” H “I’m here to help you… Edmund” R: “I’ve survived much worse” R “I promise you I’ll get out of this~… I WILL” H “It’s much to late for that” R “all I wanted… was the same power She (Helena) Squandered!” R “Its so bright~… Helena? *quivering voice* I’m afraid…” H “shh… She knew…) *static* followed by a massive explosion caused by the genisis ship’s destruction. And the player having the last message from HLN-A
Thx for reading! :D
have playing ARK since shortly after it’s initial EA release in June of 2015. Ever since the first Explorer Notes were released I’ve been fascinated by the story and background of the game. I’ve watched countless videos, listened to commentaries, read comments, theories, etc… And very few people really seem to have a cohesive image of what’s going on and why, or even a general timeline of events.
Frankly, I doubt that we have been given enough information for any one person to be 100% correct about everything, but I’m going to write down what I believe is a pretty solid account and I will be using Explorer Notes and maybe Dossiers (if applicable) as references, just so I can prove what I’m saying.
So yeah, let’s get started:
The Inciting Incident
We awake in a mysterious land without having any memory of how we got there. The ecosystem seems pretty standard, but our attention is immediately arrested by the three enormous free-floating structures that dot the horizon, Obelisks. Unab
Really? You really thought you could tame a boss?
All it takes is a bola and club
Bring some rock drakes and shot guns reapers will help to also bring some friends it’s always better with friends
I fought this man, accidentally left, then ascended
1: Find Rockwell
2: Find Cheese Itz
3: Don’t Ask me where to get cheese itz
Taming Rockwell is very easy. All you have to do is give him a nice, healthy dose of ForceTame
His favourite food is forcetame
Its simple just: Go over to him ask him for some chocky milk, then trade him his notes back! Then follow steps 1-10!
1 Give him element
4Bring friends, the extra souls will give you more taming effectiveness
9 Feed Human feces x1000
3 Give him more element!
10.4 Enjoy your Rockwell!
How to tame Rockwell like a real man:
Step 1: Use a club, slingshot, or your fist to knock out
Step 2: Gather some nearby bushes
Step 3: But a few berries in inventory
Step 4: Unlock saddle (At level 4)
Step 5: Enjoy your Rockwell
Give him choccy milk and he will be your friend
How to tame:
Bring an army of pulmono
Bring an army of arthropleura
Bring an army of araneo
Bring human feces x100
Bring element x1000
The cave monsters will convince Rockwell that they are his friends
Mix the feces with 500 element so it creates a compound (that tastes horrible)
Cover the compound with element to make it look like a ball of element
The cave monsters have convinced him that they are friends
Give Rockwell the element
It will taste so bad that he turns back into human
hope this help