ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

DO NOT PANIC ! These things are scary and powerful but there is an easy way of getting rid of them that works every time for me, just run/fly into another dino that is there natural prey (this means that they attack it when wild). For example, I always bump into a paracetharium when chased by those and they completely abandon me !
However, you will probably still take a few hits, so always come with an argy or bulky ptera.
P.S. : I am on the new mobile version, so I don’t know whether this works for PC too, but I’m quite sure it does
More Rhyniognatha Encountering Tips
I was just flying near the redwoods to looks around when one of these freaks pulled up on me and my pt. I didn’t realize they were in the new mobile version so I screamed and tried to run away (it caught up) and I had to dismount my pt and run for it. DO NOT GO NEAR ANY SWAMP UNLESS YOU’RE PREPARED. THEY ARE SCARY.
In ark mobile edition dont wander in swamp with a flyer they spawn in a pack and will destroy your pt/argy
Don't forget you guys, we can craft insect repellent to appear invisible to these guys!! This trick also works for taming Scorps or Spiders with rotten meat. Bump it to the top for those who are rusty!
I lost 4 of my flyers to this thing and every time i am near swamp this mf comes outs of nowhere and attack my dino not me my dino u mf and i used to thought it was rare or something but I don’t think so right now and thats why i am going to tame this mf to take my revenge by killing his kind 🙂
Rare??? My ass rare... They spawn in 3-5 stack literally in redwood around swamp area... Yeah they have alreay eaten around 17 pteranodon, 1 iguana, 1 trike, 20 human and lots of my stuff hardly crafted and looted.
They are literally the worst on ark mobile ultimate edition.
Not rare, incredibly aggressive, and like to wander. I tamed myself a lvl 60 thyla and it got killed on the way home by these guys as I was running away. Luckily, I got it back by cheating slightly(back up save… it’s literally a savior for crappy situations). I’m planning on taming a spino (my favorite tame ever) so that I can travel in the swamps again but with the ability to destroy these idiot supersized mosquitoes. Good luck you guys, stay away from the swamp if you can help it🤣
This mosquito was really easy to kill just take a metal sword and some tranq darts with a long neck rifle. Doesn't matter the level of this creature it cannot hurt you if you're below it or near it's head. Use the sword to deal damage and then using the rifle shoot the tranq darts and violà you have successfully made this creature unconscious. Now just easily kill it and take the orb inside it. I thought it kills us but it cannot, it only kills our dino. RIP my Argent🥲 atleast I got my revenge by killing the male bad female both of these mofos.🗿
Well sometimes when u kill this mosquito u will not get that rhiniognatha pheromone (sometimes). Iam saying this because when I killed one of these I didn't got it excluding meat and other stuff.
When you're in the swamp and is being chased by a pack of these guys you only have a few option
1:find a paramecium go under it so that it will attack the paramecium(you can then escape)
2:any creature that is large like bronto would attract it's aggro if you go near them enough
Note:smaller creature doesn't work (most of them) and thia is on mobile