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They took out the carry Rex ability but it’s got different webs it can shoot for different purposes I don’t remember all three but the two I remember were a slowness buff to enemy dinos and a base wrecking slime (or maybe it was the lance like arms that did the base wreckin I don’t remember exactly) also it can’t swim but it can skim on the water surface and how you tame is I think it said you have to kill an or a Rhyniognatha to get a faramone thing (sorry I know it’s a typo but my voice thing just says Farrah moan when I try to say it 😂) then you feed it to yourself or one of your tames and the Rhyniognatha will lay its eggs on you or the tame then they hatch and eat the tame or you and they are tamed so it’s a sacrifice tame (just tame some microraptors heh heh heh) so that’s the ark approved Rhyniognatha I could be wrong on a few things but that’s what I understand anyway the dossier was released so look up ark Rhyniognatha dossier if you want to see for yourself.

Sorry if I’m wrong I’m to tired to look up the dossier and try to read that blurry image again


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