ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

From what I hear it’s going to be a giga in the air
More Rhyniognatha Everything Else Tips
It’s literally like twenty times smaller in real life.
(Why Ark Devs)
Anybody know if this Dino will be in The Island map
For some reason you can't make them follow you on mobile... They just look at you when you whistle but don't move at all.
I love how many tips are being submit
Because finnaly mobile players get to experi the horror 😆
If you are in the swamp with your flyer or argy and they started to chase you , just go to any big creature pracer , diplo , brunto near you and they will start to attack that creature instead of you , so gl to a decent distance than so you can look there gender if you want to tame it one more thing this trick doesn't work if you already on a rhynio they will chase you until you kill them or they kill you , if you have pump shotgun then you can easily kill them
These things are amazingly fast lost multiple Argys and pts to these guys, and once you try to fight back the back up and shoot sap at you till your dead stay clear of these guys!
The guy who said is happy for mobile players experiencing horror. Dude ark SE players had prep time and tames we don’t have anything.
I was into the swamps
Thought I was ready to take them on
A lvl 1 rhyno killed my spino I am gonna destroy them from existence
Just came out as of 6/2/2023
Dodo dex will take some time gathering all the details for this dino
DO NOT cryopod your creature when it has been impregnated as it will just cancel the incubation (hope this helps)