(The adventure of ark chapter 1)where….
(The adventure of ark chapter 1)where…. am I.you said wearily as you wake up on a beach…………you open your eyes stand up and see a person she says her name is Tiffany and tells you about ark and her tribe.she asks you what your name is you say:I don’t remember………….. everything is a blur I just appeared here I remember nothing before that.well you got to have a name……….what about dexter?tiffany said.sure you said. woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh You said as you went into the tribe castle and Tiffany asked Alex.a nice 34 year old man who was a dad from the 21st century he was sucked into ark about a year before and only remembered 1 thing before he was sucked into ark ……his children.why everyone was in attack position he said 3 rexes had followed you and Tiffany here everyone attacked and drove away 2 rexes and killing the other one in the process. when the battle ended sadly at least 4 people had been devoured Tiffany and alex both told you:it gets way more dangerous than that in ark.later you where talking with another guy.his name was kariku a very in shape primitive man.(also did I mention your gender is male)about dinos he said there castle was around a ton of dangers later all 4 of you guys went walking but you told Tiffany Alex and karuiki and said nervously what…..is…..that.they turned around to see.(part 2 coming soon) up if you like this story.