ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Me tope con un rex alfa 145, si un raptor alfa del mismo lvl casi me mata un rex lvl200 estaba seguro que el rex alfa si lo mataría, entonces, lo metí en mi balsa tameadora (después de mil intentos) y pude colocar 2 rex con mi amigo a modo de que no nos tocará pero si nosotros a él. Muerto sin recibir daño.
More Rex Encountering Tips
If you are a low level player and you see a beautiful looking red and white very big rex wandering around your base, and it has a red aura around it. Then you know you are coocked…
So there are average rexes. They drop meat, prime meat, hide, and keratin. There are tek rexes. They drop scrap metal, oil, electronics, and element dust. There are alpha rexes. They drop tons of prime, cool loot, and some hide and keratin. So tell me: WHY ARE THERE NO ALPHA TEK REXES THAT DROP POLYMER??? thank you for your time happy hunting
Once me and my friends were terrified of Rex, and one came stomping near our base. So we grabbed all our Dino's and it was anticlimactic as we pretty much killed it instantly. Don’t be scared of rex.
Lost my low lvl rex ( crunchy ) to a higher lvl rex…along with my trike and raptor…RIP
Rex’s need to take wide turns to be able to attack you. If you find a golden spot (roughly between his back legs and stomach), you can basically play ring-around-the-rosie with them, and attack them in the process. I recommend not using a dinosaur to do so, may be too large to hit that golden spot and the rex may be able to hit the dino.
If you ever see one and it sees you here's how you tame and stun it
So there's a glitch in both games where there's a rock glitch
The rock glitch works like this
1st you find a rock
Make sure you can't sprint or walk up the rock
Make sure you can easily jump up and climb the rock
Look for something you want to tame
Get club ( clubs are harder or extreme mode to tame) or tanq ( easy mode) or anything you can use to kill
Find the rex then run up the rock ( PS: this works for any other animal including spinos)
The rex shouldn't be able to run up the rock so you can safely hit him or shoot him also melee is impossible any melee weapon is dangerous and I suggest you don't use them (why: they can still hit you and when they do you get knocked off the rock and have to run) also make sure the rock is big and tall or else they can walk on it
Pt 2 coming at 50 ups
I just found one near my base wish me luck and any tips
Them: low level can not kill it.
Me: stands on cliff and shoots it with a bow
Me: goes from level 10 to 25
I swear guys I pinky promise swear that I saw a rex get killed by dimorphodons! they flew just above its head and hit it while managing to always dodge its bites. These were wild, not mine or somebody else’s ( I was in single player on xbox) there was only two dimo’s. it was nuts. And let’s just say I had meat for ages.
Everbody: Use gates and stuff
Me: *uses a cliff*