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My dilophosauras wont attack it, and so does the raptor. I really want my dilo back but it keeps going near a raptor.

The reason why the dilo is even there is because, when I had a parasaur and a dilo, I found a raptor in the middle of taming the said parasaur and balo'd it but the dilo killed the raptor before I can knock it out with a club (I didn't have a tranq arrow at the time) so I decided to look for a raptor, and found a pack, but it looked like 2 at first and I had 3 balos, so I thrown one at one raptor and missed, and tried again and hit, and missed with the other raptor, another raptor came in and fought me, My parasaur was fighting the raptors for a long time while dilo is just sitting there like "wait, those are my friends!"

Altho I'm not sure because I died before that so..

I tried to get my loot back over and over and I died to everything on the way, EVERY FREAKING THING!

Later when the loot prob despawned I saw my dilo, still alive and I was shocked, and thought to myself, how did they survive that many raptors?

But then I found another raptor and got killed by it and I didn't see it attacking the raptor..

Yeah that's how dangerous these guys are in early game when you are heavily unprepared or have too little guard dogs.

If I had a gravestone for every tamed animal and homo saipens dead, I'd fit 69 sextillion things.

That's how unfamiliar I am at ark in pc.

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