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I was on an unofficial server and found a level 150 raptor stuck on between a tree and rock. I shot it as much as I could with toxicant arrows a kind player gave to me.. I was level 18 at the time with another tibemate of the same level. It went down without a fight and I got all the meat I could and chucked it in my inventory edging on killing another offline player to harvest their meat.i then ran back base to make some para kibble and called my tribemate to help out to find rockarrots... About half an hour later it was tamed. We both were extremely happy since we only has two level 30 dilos... We left the raptor so we could go back and teleport it back home since there were a lot of therezino's roaming around. My tribemate ran back home while I did some stuff while he requested the raptor then logged off. When I reached home eager to welcome the raptor I got a message that the offline dude killed the freakin raptor!!!

Needless to say me and my tribute are scheming a raid

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