ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If you are struggling to solo tame your first Quetz, just wait for v.248. In this update, we'll be able to equip weapons while mounted. If we can equip a rifle or crossbow with tranq darts or tranq arrows, this KO will be simple provided you have a decent stamina Ptero or Argent.
More Quetzal Taming & KO Tips
The fun way is to jump off and grapple to your argie and whistle it to attack and since argies are slow it won’t catch up in time so tranq till it goes out also bring parachutes and consider liking so more people will know
Idk why everyone makes this so complicated with all the grappling stuff all you have to do is,
1. Get or use a tapejara that’s a low level with a couple levels into movement speed
2. Get a rifle or crossbow with either darts or tranqs
3. Find a quetzal and then go to the back of your tapejara and set to attack the quetzal
(Since quetzals have high health and ur using a low level tapejara you can actually leave the tapejara to attack the quetzal, it’ll be fine)
4. Knock It out, not over water, and put whatever you want into it and ban you have a quetzal
Btw, you don’t need to worry about the tapejara’s stamina, it doesn’t decrease while you sit in the back seat
Guys this is the ersieht was to tame a quetzal. All you need is a tapejara.
1) Whisle your Tapejara to follow you
2) Ride you Tapejara and surch for a quetzal
3) When you found a quetzal, go an the back of the Tapejara (dont forget that you have to make the follow whisle on Tapejara, otherwise the will Flyer to the ground)
4) Make the attack whisle while you are on the Tapejata's back, so your tapejara will follow the quetzal.
5) Just shoot the quetzal with tranq darts/arrow and make the passive whisle on the Tapejara when he is too close to the Quetzal.
6) Repeat that till the quetzal gets knocked out and enjoy your quetzal taming.
TIPP: They spawn near the Obelisk and fly trought the whole map after spawning. GOOD LUCK!
You can actually put platforms on them and bring T-Rex if you want the fast travel fun right!?
If you are on mobile and are having a hard time taming this, just kill it, build a revival platform with a bunch of roofs over it and revive it, it won’t be able to escape if you use pillars to support the roofs, it’s to big.
Mobile Taming Method
° Usually located at Red Obelisk
° Use Tapejara or Griff ( Griff is a bit more reccomended )
° Use Toxicant or any other torpor item
° Chase for a few minutes
° Quetz is down
° Feed it rex kibble or meat
( ◎ Optional : Soothing balm )
° Play the waiting game ( you can also use biotoxin or narcotics )
☆ You now have a giant tame transporter.
U really dont need to use hook. U need a tapejara. When u find a quetzal u should change seats and make ur tapejara attack to quetzal by whistle. U will knock it out when tapejara chases it.
If you manage to knock a quetzal out, try starve taming. If you never tried starve taming it’s just leaving a Dino’s hunger go to half way or lower and then you start feeding. I’ve done this many times and it’s very useful taming trick.
Use a tapejara, sit on the passager seat and set it on my target. Then make it fly to the quetz. Shoot the quetz with any sort of tranq ammo. Do this reapetly and you Have knocked quetz👌
Me and my friends attempted to tame a Quetzel in the funniest way possible since we didn't have a Tapejara. We decided that one will ride a pternadon and will grab the other one. Then we will chase a Quetzel. The guy that is grabbed will shoot the Quetzel. I was the one driving and my ark crashed. My friend got dropped from the sky and by some miracle made it on 3 health. I re-joined as fast asi could and was laughing out loud. I think people can actually use this method somehow but better then us lol.