Here’s a story for all. the bored people!
Here’s a story for all. the bored people!
I had a pt named flairfly naming Dino’s is not a good skill of mine but how I tamed it is I had a base I just ran around on my Parasaur and I found a level 60 and I was like HAVE THE ARK GODS BLESSED ME
so I bolad that boi knocked it out gave it prime and done I got a saddle and took to the sky’s I went to get crystal on a mountain got it but flairfry needed stamina so he landed and a Rex spawns LITTERLY 2 STEPS AWAY FROM ME the stamina bar filled I flew away he needed more stamina again so I landed not noticing the friggin raptor next to me he pounced me off then he targeted my pt he hit him back but the raptor was too strong he died for me to escape r.i.p flairfly he fought and flew well😔