Chapter two- the adventure

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Chapter two- the adventure

The mosa lookup up at where the carbonemys had went but he knew he could not get on land or could he……anyways the mosa swam deeper even though he was a baby he was confident after he roared those megaladons away but not knowing he swam too deep and into a tusos domain he swam around curiously and saw no sign of life till he swam straight and saw a tuso he stood in shock and fear but the tuso was distracted eating a manta he saw the horror of how the tuso eats then swam away petrified from what he saw after all that swimming he ate a few fish but what he did not know is that the tuso was done with the manta and he was his next meal the tuso charged in with his terrifying tentacles he tryed to grab the mosa but the mosa managed to swim as fast as he could to get away but then the tuso got distracted on a megaladon then the mosa noticed he got bigger and his teeth got bigger and his body too then an angry megaladon thought he was a small itchy so he could take it down but when the Meg noticed it was a mosa the mosa had his instincts take over again and roared even louder than last time as the megaladon ran away he why does this keep happening? The mosa said to himself

(I will make another chapter no matter if it has 3993 downs)

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