ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Just dont…
Like so more people know not to have a fish
(Even if ur crazy and u tame one most of the time it will be lost and killed by the most random thing ever
More Piranha Taming & KO Tips
If you are going to want one of these poops bags as a pet,( don’t know why u want one) then follow instructions:
Step 1: WARNING! The only way to tame it is with a fish basket, which are only on g2. So if you are going to tame one, g2 only I think.( also if you do creative on any world it does not matter).
Step 2: find the Meg fish u want and kill the others. It’s important if you don’t want your future friend ded. So yeah important.
Step 3: place your fish basket and let it load your friend and close it.
Step 4: let it out in the water and123 BOOM 💥 he’s yours!
Little thing: if this gets past forty ups I’ll make one for diplodocus
See ya guys
Tamable using fish baskets from aberration. They attack the baskets once placed. It is a good strategy to pen then in with fence foundations and walls, or kite them to a pen. Place your basket on the other side of the wall and catch.
How to get rid of them: Find an otter, up its health and attack, and RELEASE HELL APON THEM!
Tame those with a basket and set on aggressive.... Funny to get a message your piranha killed player XY
To successfully tame these place these in a cage then place the fish basket next to the cage. Press the button to tame or capture release in your water pin. Apparently you control them using standard tamed menu control.
A piranha is tameable in Abberation using the fish trap. It has to swim into it. Once you release it from the fish trap, it will be tamed. Great tame in packs, they can kill a good amount of low to mid level groups of players.
This creature took the life of my innocent otter,bubbles. :(
Want to go swimming? Maybe cross a river? Nope. These guys swarm and the only good way ive found to take care of them is to wade out a bit, run back you your sode and spear them from a distance.
On mobile, these are not tameable, because fish baskets only exsit on ABBERATION, again.
You can tame these using fish baskets