ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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The Obelisk
-Chapter 97-
Forest could hear the deep thump of his heart in his head as he ran heavily. He slowed down to a trot and stopped, talons shaking. He closed his eyes to shake the dust away as he panted quietly.
“No! Orbit!” He could hear Nyx shout out, stopping to whirl around. Forest glanced back and saw that the entrance and several parts of the cave had collapsed, leaving nothing but darkness ahead.
“Orbit,” Nyx cried sadly, her voice wavering. She set her talons on the fallen wall of stones, her blue eyes wide and full of sorrow. “How can this be happening?” She wailed.
Crimson came panting at Forests side, her long snout contorted in a small scowl. “We gotta keep going, this cave could—”
She stopped, dipping her head to look down at Forest’s bag. The others turned and stared. Forest felt his spine prickle. In his bag, the rune had started to pulse lightly, lighting up a small part of the cave.
It grew brighter and then slowed, it’s glow casting a line of light that stretched further down the cave. Forest watched the light blankly, the glow reflecting in his eyes. He stepped forward to follow it.
“Forest, what are you doing?” Crimson called, lashing her tail.
The rune began to beat rhythmically as he followed its trail. It blazed bright green and then it stopped, and the tunnel grew dark again. Then Forest paused. There was a light coming from the end of the cave.
“Forest!” Spark called. The others came after him as he padded into the cave and out of sight.
They caught up with him moments later, stopping to stand behind Forest.
Rust looked up. “What…”
Forest stared up at the three portals, his head lifted and his feathers fluffed up.
The Five gazed in silence and awe. A gust of wind blasted from the middle portal, buffeting against Forests face. Then he stepped forward and set one talon on the middle of the portal.
“Forest!” Nyx shouted.
Immediately it pulled him in. His tail disappeared into the golden liquid and roaring with fear and determination, his friends jumped in after him.
Yellow and gold swirled around him. He yelled out in fear as he was pulled forward and shot out of the portal onto the ground.
Forest groaned quietly. Thumps and shouts came from behind him, and the Five lifted their heads in turn.
The moon was high in the dark, cloudless sky. They were all standing on a large flat cliff, somewhere Forest didn’t recognize. Somewhere very strange.
He struggled to his feet. The others came over to his side, wincing and wide-eyed.
The rune came back to life. Forests blood suddenly ran cold, and his body moved, stepping back slowly. “Guys,” he hissed.
A low, chuckling growl came from ahead. Giant claws came into view as something climbed up from the edge of the cliff to stand, tall and towering over them.
“Silly little juveniles,” The Wyvern growled.
Riddles of the Phoenixes series
The War of the Phoenixes.
Chapter eighteen: Marvelo’s request.
“Is it done?” Tom asked Marvelo, who knelt in front of him. “Yes, my lord. The Lightning phoenixes kingdom is ours.” Marvelo said, rising. Tom nodded and ran his finger down the armrest of his throne. “Good. It seems our spy was telling the truth. You will be rewarded once the war is over.” Tom told Marvelo. Marvelo nodded, but Tom could seem him grinding his teeth. “Sir? If you don’t mind me asking…there is one thing I want in reward…” Marvelo began.
“No.” Tom interrupted. Marcelo’s eye twitched with irritation. “If it’s true…I want to be the one to do it.” Tom said. Marvelo flexed his jaw and Tom saw his hands twitch. “Remember your place Marvelo. Remember who gave you that implant. Remember…you owe me.” Tom said. Marvelo bowed again. “Yes sir.” He said. Tom smiled inwardly. “Dismissed.” He said.
Marvelo quickly did so. Tom sank back on his throne and massaged his forehead. He had a headache again and felt a tiny bit nauseous. Tom sighed. Even almost invincible people got headaches. Strange right? “We heard how you’re using your power for evil. It’s corrupting you. You’re turning into…a monster.” His parents words echoed through his thoughts. Tom clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in determination.
He would show them. He would show them all! Just then the door opened and a guard came in. “Sir. We found Hailey and Jaron in the medallion room. All the medallions are gone.” The guard said. Tom sat straight up in his throne and his medallion glowed vibrantly. “WHAT?!?!” He bellowed. The guard cowered. Tom clenched his fists and took a deep breath. He could feel the Krakos stirring inside him but Tom forced it down. Not now. “Tell them to come in.” Tom said in a dangerously low voice. The guard ran out of the room to do so.
Josephina and Jaquin stood outside the doors to the throne room. Peggie and Brutus were quietly giving them tips on what to do. “Act innocent. You did nothing wrong so prove it.” Peggie said, from Jaquin’s shoulder. “DON’T tell him anything about Jay. Don’t spill any secrets, I’m talking to you Josephina!” Brutus growled. Josephina scowled at him. “I’m great at keeping secrets!” She retorted. Jaquin, Brutus, and Peggie gave her doubtful looks. “And remember call Tom “father”. Act like you’re usual brain washed selves.” Peggie said.
“Yes, and remember y’all “names” are Hailey and Jaron.” Brutus said. “Got that?” Jaquin and Josephina nodded. They stood in silence, waiting for the guard. “WHAT?!” A voice bellowed from the throne room. Jaquin and Josephina gulped in fear. Moments later, the guard ran up. “Follow me.” He said. Hailey and Jaron slowly followed him. Brutus and Peggie watched worriedly. “Do you think they’ll do okay?” Peggie asked. Brutus grimaced. “Nope.”
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 13b: Another Magnificent Character
Part 1/2
“Who?” Samuel asked. He squinted his eyes at Ben and tried to pick up as many details as he could. He had long, thick yet straight hair that fell to his sides, and he was still wearing his graduation robe, just like Samuel. Unlike Samuel, Ben had his sleeves rolled up, and he had no graduation cap. Samuel took a smell of the air and noticed a nice smell coming from his arms. It was almost as if he was wearing perfume or cologne.
“What do you mean who? It’s me, Ben!” Ben shouted.
“Sorry, I don’t really think I know you,” Samuel apologized. Samuel eyed Ben’s belt and noticed he had a few stone tools.
“Hold on, how’d he get those? Only Ruby knows how to make them!” Samuel thought. Aurora scowled, still not trusting the newcomer.
“Who am I to trust you? You still haven’t answered my other questions.”
Ben’s facial expression suddenly changed, and he stared at Aurora with a dead serious look.
“Look. Me and my group found a way to tame the dinosaurs of this island. With the process you can make them your pets. You can make them your personal bodyguards. It’s only reserved for those who were strong enough to best them in battle,” Ben explained grimly.
“What? Tame dinosaurs? How’s that even possible?” Aurora said.
Ben put his arms up in the air, spinning around and showing all of the wonders of this forsaken place.
“Just look around. Dinosaurs, weird glowing obelisks, glowing supply crates which give knowledge, weird gems in our arms, don’t you think anything is possible? Like riding a T-Rex?”
Samuel eyed Ben’s wrist and saw an implant there too. It was glowing green, and Samuel looked at Ben’s rolled up sleeves. He could have sworn vines were poking out of them.
“Suspicious,” Samuel thought, “But I’m more intrigued than anything. How does he know about this dinosaur taming? How did he get those tools? Who is his group?”
Ben’s eyes darted to Samuel and he smirked.
“You must be REALLY suspicious of me right now,” Ben said with a sigh. He then gave a big grin, “Don’t need to be! I have no reason to be risking my life over this. But I did come trying to find people for a reason.”
“And what’s that supposed to be?” Aurora said.
“Well, to put it straightforward, the Book Club wants more members,” Ben explained, “A few others and I had found each other when we first woke up, some of the most prestigious writers and readers. Then one of us realized that the place we were in practically replicated the places of a book that they had read.”
“That’s right. The island we’re on now,” Ben said, looking up at the rising sun, “Is the same setting as a book that someone had read.”
“And how are we even supposed to believe you?” Samuel laughed. Ben looked at the unconscious raptor, which was breathing faster and seemed close to waking up.
“I’ll prove it to you right now. Feed that raptor some meat.”
“Excuse me? Are you trying to order us around?” Aurora said with a scowl.
“No. Just trying to prove to you…” Ben said. Then a big smile grew on his face, and he laughed, “That this place is just like a fantasy, sci-fi story!”
Samuel and Aurora both dug around their pouches, but unfortunately had no meat.
“It doesn’t matter where it comes from,” Ben revealed. He and Samuel both looked at the other dead raptor corpses, and Samuel turned white. Samuel looked at Ben, and he nodded in affirmation. Samuel walked up to one of the dead raptors and dug his hatchet into it, cutting its torso into pieces for the raptor to feast upon. Samuel then took a few pieces and put them in the unconscious raptor’s mouth. It began to feed on them, and suddenly its eyes fluttered open!
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 13b: Another Magnificent Character
Part 2/2
“Oh, crap!” Samuel said, scurrying away. Aurora aimed her spear at the raptor’s skull, and Samuel looked back at Ben who stood as still as a rock, watching everything unfold.
The raptor’s eyes darted around for a moment, then got up onto its feet again. It eyed Samuel for a second, and then just blinked, and kept standing there like some machine.
“What the-”
“Look at that. It’s tamed now,” Ben said with a smirk. He smiled, “Heh heh. Try saying ‘Follow me’!”
Samuel said, “Follow me.”
Samuel began to walk away, and the raptor slowly walked behind him, its arms down and its eyes dull. Samuel turned around, his eyes widened, and impressed.
“So you are correct,” Aurora said in awe.
“I am. Believe me now?” Ben asked with a grin, “I’m not trying to be smug. I genuinely want to be friends with you both.”
Samuel smiled, a realization crossing his mind.
“If this island really IS based on a story, then that means the Book Club has information about it. Maybe there really is a way to escape this island,” Samuel thought.
“Okay then. We’ll join your book club,” Samuel declared.
“What?!” Aurora said, “But what if they’re dangerous?”
Samuel looked back at Aurora with a cheeky grin.
“Let’s be real. What are a bunch of bookworms going to do?”
Aurora sighed.
“I guess you’re right. But we still have people to find. We had two allies that we got separated from an hour or two ago. We need to find them,” Aurora explained to Ben.
“Perfect! I’ll help you,” Ben decided, “But before we even start, we need to go to that beam of light.”
“Oh really? We were planning on doing that before we got ambushed by the raptors,” Samuel said.
“Good idea. Those beams of lights lead to beacons which give loot,” Ben told Samuel. He pointed to the tools on his belt. “That’s how we even got these to begin with. Well, sometimes the beacons give knowledge too, but those are rare.”
“Knowledge too?” Samuel thought. He looked down at his sleeve, which was covering his left wrist, “Would I even have the ability to get knowledge without the implant?”
Aurora nudged Samuel, who looked back up.
“Come on. Let’s go, or that guy’s going to leave without us,” Aurora said. Samuel nodded.
“Okay. Coming.”
Aurora walked off with Samuel, and while the raptor followed behind, Star let out a scoff. Star grumpily trotted behind, ruffling her feathers and giving Aurora the stink eye- Woosh.
Samuel looked behind and saw some red plume of dust hovering in the distance, and as he squinted his eyes at it… he could’ve sworn he saw a raptor head. He blinked his eyes, and it disappeared.
“Must, must’ve been my imagination,” Samuel thought as he walked along. But even as he did, something kept gnawing at him, telling him to watch out. To be careful.
And that feeling was fear.
Frozen wings
(This will be based off of avatar the last Airbender)
“I hate fishing and I don’t wanna use my powers to fish and plus I’m horrible at it” complained rose, “oh hush at least the desert people aren’t after us” said a pissed off dagger, “We are freaking drakes, we are not meant for fishing” said rose, “we are aquatic drakes and we can swim but we have to learn to fish from land” snapped dagger, “h-hey! You see that” said rose immediately going underwater, as dagger caught up to he saw an underwater frozen iceberg with a blue icy phoenix?. ‘Aquatic language:what is that rose?’, ‘aquatic language:I don’t know dagger’, until rose chipped the iceberg apart with the already crack in the iceberg, she grabbed the unconscious icy phoenix and went onto land, “what do you think your doing!? Rose!” Dagger said, “let’s bring this to the village maybe it’s a phoenix that got a color mutation” said rose, “alright” responded dagger
Have a good day/night!
Frozen wings
Chapter 2
“What’s your name phoenix?” Asked dagger on a tone of authority “it-it’s icicle” responded icicle “don’t be hard on him brother your scaring him” rose said “I know but how do we-“ dagger said but getting cut off by rose “he’s an ice phoenix, ice phoenix’s are against the desert people” rose said snapping at her own brother dagger
Time skip
“Grandmother?” Rose said tiredly “you have the go icicle and dagger are in the forest” roses grandmother said “why-“ rose said getting up “the desert people are here and you have to go” roses grandmother said, rose went as fast as her legs can bring her up into the forests in the mountains “alright now that your here lets go moving” dagger said walking down on the other side of the mountain “I’m sorry” icicle said sad and guilty “it’s not your fault icicle” dagger said “for now we have to get moving as far as we can” dagger also said
End of chapter two
Frozen wings
Chapter 1
“What phoenix is this” Rose asked her grandmother(and daggers) “it’s an ice phoenix yes they are very rare” roses grandmother said, “an ice phoenix huh” dagger responded, “how haven’t-haven’t they gone away 10 years ago” dagger responded “yes but this will save the last Arctic, “W-where am I?” Asked the ice phoenix “your safe now” answered roses(and daggers) grandmother “my name is snowdrop” said the ice phoenix “well snowdrop welcome to your new home? I guess” said rose welcoming him while dagger shook snowdrops wing.
Sorry it’s short