ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

The absalute best method for taming these creatures it to drop them in a small box, (you can use a ptera for that). Once it's in the box all you have to do is get a heap of mejoberries, then to tame simply trap it in the corner of the box. The reason for this is that it's always in "bug mode" (the mode were it gets scared or something and it's taming percentage drops). But this way it's taming percentage does not drop at all for some reason. I have tamed multiple max level pego's with this method. Do not listen to what people say about having it in a large space. Go for small and trap it in the corner, as simple as that.
More Pegomastax Taming & KO Tips
We had a giga on passive at our redwood base (since nothing ever attacks them). Low and behold, after over a week of nothing wrong, I see "Your Bruce (lvl 98 giga) was killed by pegomastax lvl 10".
When I say I screamed for 10 minutes, I mean it.
It liked me so much it stole my berries and tamed itself
When you see one, put any kinds of berries in your last inventory slot and walk up to them slowly. They will take the berries and it will add to their bar. Just keep doing that over and over
Make sure you have nothing on you besides loads of Mejos, get the Pego in a taming pen and let it steel the Mejos from you.
Remember to put a bunch of these in your base, so when another tribe breaks in they loose all there raid gear. GG Wildcard
Maybe put c4 in last slot? Those thieves will never see it coming! Have fun
Amazing creatures!! A tribe mate was taming a Gigantopitecus he had 13 titanboa kibble on him snatch that shit and ate it all wonderful things 5 stars
Get a pterodactyl, bring this thing as far into the sea as you can, and watch the sharks eat it. These things have committed too many sins and cannot be forgiven.
I first used vegetables and it did nothing. Used 99 mejoberries in slot 0 and it started taming. Once tamed, I got my vegetables back. Thief.
Taming: *non-violent*
Every ARK Player who's ever gotten something stolen from them: F**k that *cocks gun*