ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

The pego has an issue where sometimes, a error in the code makes it unable to attack when you whistle attack target.
More Pegomastax Utility Tips
In ASA, pegomastax can pick up gacha crystals like oviraptor with eggs
When wild they are a pest, they steal your stuff and murder your tames.
But when tamed, they are amazing, have a pego, set it on somebody, it will then steal whatever is in their last hotbar slot, if they have nothing it will take a random item.
Better still, tame a whole army, they will Rob your victim of literally everything, berry seeds, superior kibble, guns, broken pickaxes, cryopodded pets, saddles, life, their job. . .
Nothing is safe from a pego army. . .
You can pick what it steal so as a shoulder mount so when I put it on eggs I lost it so when it came back with an army of angry Dinoβs and a Wyvern and now my main base is fifty percent destroyed but I have a wyvern πΌ for info
Now everyone wanted this creature for gacha farming. Well played WC making this useless creature becomes useful creature.
Now can collect gacha crystal, it's level determines their range.
These are the way I got my Ascendant Fabricated Sniper Rifle at level 32
Lvl health and movement speed, set it to Fast Pick Pocketing spyglass a target and whistle attack my target.
They make a cool evil sidekick, that's for sure.
This is the ultimate combo. Pego, troodons and seagulls
If you want to loot a guy without leaving a trace , here is how you do it.
1: pego problems, send a squadron of pegos to pick pocket your target just to piss them off.
2: seagull stealing, next send your seagull fleet to steal their items while they are chasing the pegos. If you are lucky, the seagulls will take the item they are using or the ammunition for the item
3: troodon terror, lastly, so they donβt know what happened, send your troodons to put them to sleep with their venom attack, they wonβt know what hit them and you will walk away with all of their loot, if you are feeling like they have more stuff on them, grab narcotics and put them to sleep even more, then search his body. And boom free loot for the minimal price of lost tames. Hope this helps you pick pocket the alpha tribe!