ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Parasaur Funny Tips
First starting in Scorched earth after the downfall of my Center server I brought my lvl 191 parasaur with me. Finally found a base location and as I run to grab water what happens? Gator grabs me,destroys me. Level 125. Needless to say I ran back to get my bag and get the saddle off my parasaur, but as I arrive what do I see?! My bloody parasaur with the Sun behind him, Sun glistening off the blood as he stands victorious over the gator guarding my bag, and waiting for me. Moral of the story, Parasaur is life.
My first ever tame was a parasaur that I named Squishnose. I stood by him through famine, caves, and even giga attacks, and he did the same for me. I don’t know how I kept him alive so long but I did. Eventually, after soloing the first boss (which took over a year) I decided to leave the island for aberration, and I transferred him over with me. Then I went to Ragnarok. Then, it happened. We were exploring, just me, him, and a level 10 ptera named Berryraptor, when we were attacked by an alpha Rex. We just barely managed to escape, and o was setting up a camp for us to recuperate, when a dilo. A FREAKING DILO, snuck up and killed him. To this day, I refuse to let a dilo live, and in every map I visit I build a memorial to Squishnose the Mighty.