ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies

More Mosasaurus Funny Tips
Me and my baryonx was just getting Pearl when we must have strayed to far from the beach and I just see this things face coming out of the darkness in front of me. Barry the baryonx stayed behind giving me valuable time to escape. I will never forget u Barry.
1 ⬆️ = 1 rip for Barry
HERE ME MOBILE PLAYERS, I recently tamed a High level one , and then I made the platform saddle and went on a cruise, after a while I found some jellyfish and I went on to attack them , but as soon as I got close to it I GOT FREAKING TELEPORTED TO THE SKY OF RED WOOD, and guess what happened, I don't had a parasute... RIP