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Of course just in the game, the Mesopithecus is a valuable pet whether pro or not. It will throw feces at your enemies and can run very fast. It can basically be an automated turret on your shoulder. The feces poison the enemy and rapidly bring down their health and to add to it it also disables their ability to sprint and see correctly. What I have said so far mostly applies to single player so I will now go in to multiplayer. The Mesopithecus will help pick locks, break and enter, ambush, capture, kill, tame, and gathering. The Mesopithecus can do a high variety of things and be very fun to keep around. They are highly social and defecate excessively, probably even more with tintoberries, which both helps with getting more Mesopithecus and helping with farms ( Berries and Vegetable farms) both other than that their feces only litter the area. Of course you can eat them use them for fertilizer use them in recipes and all that. And , finally, the Mesopithecus is great for prankin.-Rosy

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