ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

At first these guys are passive and tame and can be given any type of berry. (Mejoberry is recommended) do not run up to its face. It will run away and it will keep running.(other monkeys near it will also run away too) simply crouch and feed it berries. Once tamed, they will love you forever.(they are a shoulder mount so put them on your shoulder and take them EVERYWHERE) they have a really cool ability to through poop at the enemy that is chasing or if it is your target. When it through the poop if it lands it will disable there ability to sprint for a little while.( and will take small amounts of dmg too while the poop is on them). I hope you found this guide helpful.
If you want to tame one of these, but can not locate one, and have good directional hearing, these are it’s approximate voicelines:
Idle/Wandering: OH-HUH-HUH-OH-HUH!
Idle/Wandering 2: OOH-HAH-ARGH.
Upon being tamed/waking up after sleeping: (low pitched) HOO-HO-HU-HA-HAH!
Scared: TAH! WUH- WUH!
Dead: AGH!
Utility Roles for Mesopithecus:
Pet. A cute monkey boi to travel with you on your shoulder or a friendly face to come home to. (level Health)
Shoulder Combatant. It flings poop at your enemies which slows them. Handy in a pinch but doesn't do that much damage. ( level Melee Damage)
Berry Gatherer. YEET this boi at bushes and he will collect berries. Not a lot of berries but something is better than nothing. (level Weight)
My name is ShinyChimchar01 and I've done similar tips on other creatures. Next tip is on Pteranodon
Always stay crouched while taming. And never get close enough to touch it. While following the monkey, if the monkey ever stops, its very likely It will turn and start to walk in a different direction. So be aware that it might walk in your direction. Hope this helps : )
This creature may seem frail and weak but once you tame it you will release that it has access to the most powerful weapon on ark THE POOP CANNON
Please don't down, I want wildcard to see this
If you sneak up behind it, give it a mejoberry, then back straight up... over and over again... you’ll tame one. Took me forever to realize that.
I feed one of these things a single dodo kibble (on mobile) and it tamed instantly without any other factors just a heads up for those of you who don't like wasting time
So basically it’s MonkE........
Finding these guys is a pain in the *as, they spawn almost everywhere but they're extremely rare. Gaming them is easy, but before I found one of em I died like a million times
Fun fact: the first mesopithecus i saw was eaten by a baryonix... all that aside
these little guys arent that hard to tame
just crouch andget behind one feed it berries and boom!
Lil monke
FYI: Dont hurt the monkeys
The mesopithecus is able to open doors when there locked when attacking the door or trying to escape from the inside out