ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

So I was flying home, i put him in my breeding area and whatever and I broke the roof and he got lit up by 4 turrets.
Then I tried again and when I picked him up he disappeared so lesson learned don't are turrets on and don't pick the monk up with a tapy
More Mesopithecus Encountering Tips
If you want to tame one of these, but can not locate one, and have good directional hearing, these are itβs approximate voicelines:
Idle/Wandering: OH-HUH-HUH-OH-HUH!
Idle/Wandering 2: OOH-HAH-ARGH.
Upon being tamed/waking up after sleeping: (low pitched) HOO-HO-HU-HA-HAH!
Scared: TAH! WUH- WUH!
Dead: AGH!
Please don't down, I want wildcard to see this
So basically itβs MonkE........
Finding these guys is a pain in the *as, they spawn almost everywhere but they're extremely rare. Gaming them is easy, but before I found one of em I died like a million times
Best shoulder mount. Had one fully imprinted with about 300 melee that caught a raptor level 90 with my argie Ace. Sadly, it died protecting me from a poison wyvern after I got kicked. RIP chip foo.
Up if you think this monkey should be in aberration.
You know when you just got enough stuff and more to build an argy saddle? Then you see one of these guys and you're like: "Lemme just tame that monkey!" Then it sees you and it's like: Byeee! And you follow it and you're like: "Oh where did the monkey go?" Then an alpha T.Rex eats you. Please ^ if this has happened to you!
When startled: DAH! OOO-OOO!
When killed(extremely high pitch): DAAH!
When Normal: OOO-HAH-HAH! HU-HU!
When Tamed (low pitch): OOO-HAH-HAH-HAH!
Try to practice with berries before wasting kibble
This guys poops name is human feces..