ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I tried fighting gamma with a velo once... Lets say my velo went to a better place. Rip command spines
More Megapithecus Encountering Tips
Heres a tip- if u go into the bosses arena and forcetame it.... you'll be stuck there forever bc the boss gotta die in order for u to leave. :) hit de good button so more peeps can see
Okay. Hear me out. I defeated this on Gamma with 14 rexes, 1 yuty, and 1 daeodon.
The rexes had health between 9k-12k, with melee between 400%-600%. I didn’t have the daeodon doing health, and I didn’t have the yuty doing courage roar.
I only lost 2 Rexes!!!
That just proves how easy this boss is. Up this if you are like me.
For this fight, you will need 19 rexes and one yutyrannus. Portal is situated at the Blue Obelisk Terminal
Artifact of the Brute: 530010
Basiliosaurus and scuba gear needed.
Follow the path to the left every turn, till you end up in a big water chamber with the artifact in the middle
Artifact of the Pack: 685560
Crossbow, grappling hooks, bug repellent, weapons (best place to find megalanias)
Stick to the left every time in the cave, until you approach a small drop with xp book at it. Always stick to the right after that.
Artifact of the Devourer: 140863
Tamed Barryonx, possibly scuba gear, weapons
Follow the path, until you have to go underwater. Swim to the left in the water, then to the right. You will then be led to a massive ravine cavern, with glowing blue crystals on the walls. The artifact is right below you on the very bottom floor. You literally cannot miss it because it is glowing a bright purple.
5 Tribute Items:
Spino sail
Therizino claws
Megalania toxin
Megalodon tooth
Thylacoleo hook claws
Once at the arena, BE CAREFULL AS HELL THAT YOU AND YOUR TAMES DO NOT, NOT, NOT FALL INTO THE HOLE AT THE RIGHT. YOU AND YOUR TAMES WILL DIE IF THEY FALL IN, OR YOU DO. Quicky get all your dinos in the fighting arena, as the boss has knock back damage. Fight at beta difficulty.
Make sure that you move your Rexs or creatures into the trees when you get teleported into the arena. This is to prevent your tames from falling into the hole in the arena, because if they fall they just die, and you lose the saddles and everything. Then you can go up on your yuty or whatever you are riding and you lead the Megapithicus to your tames, then let them go ham on the monkey. The Megapithicus is a glass cannon and anything g with a good saddle and a high health stat can easily destroy it. Just make sure that nothing falls into the death hole and you’ll be fine to actually fight the boss.
The megapithecus has two attacks a direct hit attack and a ranged Boulder attack. The boulder attack can and will kill you off your tame and I figured this out the hard safest thing is to wistle attack Target hope off and have someone roar the Yuri good luck survivors.
For gamma:
12 rex 20k hp 300 melee
Beta :
14 rex 25hp 500 melee 1 yuty
Alpha :
18 rex 25 hp 500 melee 1 yuty 1 health pig
U dont need good saddles trust me the different between primitive and ascendant saddles only 10% damage resistance
Been said to be one of the easiest but yuti and rexs is all you will need. This boss on hard takes us about 4 mins. Surround and start chomping. Debuff with yuti plus buff your rexs.
To battle the megapithecus, I would suggest using a pack of allos,a yutyrannus, and a daeodon. The reason I pick these creatures are because that first of all, allos in a pack are dangerous, and one of them will be boosted as the alpha, and the other allos will also be stronger. Second, yutyrannus’s can scare away the minions the boss summons, and can make the creatures deal more damage. I also HIGHLY request a daeodon because they can heal your Dino’s, and itself durning battle, just make sure it has enough meat to last the battle. This method will work with any boss on the island DLC, not the overseer, but I used this method on the broodmother,megapithecus, and dragon, and it worked perfectly.
For alpha we used 18 rexes 1 pig and a yuty
Rexes: 15k hp 500% melee
Yuty: 20k hp 4k stam
Pig: 19k hp 36k food (feed it kibble it has no eat cooldown!)
Get the yuty to bring the monkey over to where you spawn in the boss arena, heal on the pig and have a mate on a yuty, no Dino's dead ,megapithicus easy.
I wanna be like you.
Now I'm the king of the swingers, the jungle VIP.
He's reached the top but had to stop.
And that's what's botherin' me.
I wanna be a man, man-cub and stroll right into town.
And be just like the other men, I'm tired of monkeyin' around.
Oh Ooh ohh ooh.
I wanna be like you ooh ooh.
I wanna walk like you, talk like you.
Ooh ooh ooh.
You see it's true ooh ooh.
An ape like me hee hee.
Can learn to be hu hoo hoo man too hoo hoo.
Now listen closely man-cub.
We've got some plans for you.
The choice is clear.
We need you here.
To make our dreams come true.
Oh Ooh ooh ooh.
I wanna be like you ooh ooh
I wanna talk like you.
Walk like you.
Ooh ooh ooh.
You see it's true ooh ooh.
An ape like me hee hee.
Can learn to be hu ooh ooh man too hoo hoo.
I like the jungle book.
Deal with it.