ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Ppl say this should be 3x bigger but then it will be Giga size aka 156feet long and past the Ridiculous Size of Ark Creatures,before u say anything I got this source from ark wiki which said that carcharodon ultramegalodon aka megalodon is 52 feet in length real megs were 47-60 feet long so the mid range here
More Megalodon Encountering Tips
Alpha megs murder icthys tha are unridden and not yet trained fully. Rest in Peace Dill! You saved us at a cost. The cost of a warriors death. 1 upvβte is 1 person who feels what I feel.
stay away from Alfaβs because they will eat you and they ate my level 55 sarco and it was my first:( can I get a F in the chat for sarcy boii
Up if these sharks need a TLC Right?
People saying the Mfs suck.. BUT A LVL 10 ALONE KILLED MY LVL 55 SARCO, LIKE WTH MAN!!
Also RIP September :( (my sarco)
Fun fact: Megalodons were just larger Great Whites, as Sharks never stop growing.
Sooo I tamed a sarco and named him Scar Scar. And then I accidentally set it to aggressive (finger slipped off the button while aggressive was selected). Then, you know, obviously he went on a killing spree on land, and then he went into the water and killed two manta. Then he decided to set his eyes on one of these, and well it didnt turn out good. Poor Scar Scar. Lost but never forgotten, you fought well little buddy.
Be careful if you have a tamed megalodon or two following your raft. Wild megas will agro your tamed ones and once one dies (tamed or wild) they start to swarm which means yours are as good as dead.
You want to go in water to find icthy
You see tail sticking out of water
You go in water
You swim to "icthy"
You realize icthy is a shark
You die :>
I agree with the guy saying it was too small.