ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Journey Through All Creatures
Chapter 15: Returning the God Shotgun
Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC order for Section I, and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Mammoth, next chapter in Microraptor.
Chapters to the end of Section I: 10
This is the second repost with the small errors fixed.
After around an hour, the pteranodon approached the volcano and Sodden whistled for him to land in the base. The pteranodon flew around the volcano and into the walls of the base. Sodden hopped off and ran into the main base. He opened the castle doors and saw Red walking around. Red noticed Sodden there and walked to him. “Sodden, we have a problem. Our god shotgun is missing.” Red said. “Yeah, I was thinking about that. We’ve seen what these Gigas can do, and both our armies are broken.” Sodden said. “True. So…” Red said. “Our armies can’t handle that. We gotta get some Rexes. I was just going to find another spot to tame them.” Sodden said. “Yeah. Well, we gotta be on watch in case Cordor decides to pay us a visit.” Red said. “Uh… the tribemaster?” Sodden asked. “Yeah. He’s brutal. We are, however, breeding up a Giga army. It’s not much, but it might help a bit.” Red said. “Oh, okay. I’ll help you set things up.” Sodden said. Red nodded and walked out the door, and Sodden followed him.
Red and the others walked down to the breeding barn. To the left of it was a large pen with some Gigas in the center and air conditioners near the gates separating the inside of the barn from the Giga pen. Red pointed to the spot. “That’s our Giga breeding pen.” He said. Sodden and Serenity walked towards the pen, along with Red. The three looked over the fences and Red whistled for a Giga to come. It was a small, dark red Giga with a white belly. “This is one of our first mutated Gigas. It’s a female, so once she grows up, we’re gonna breed a large mutated army.” Red said as he petted the Giga on the head. “Well, okay. How many Gigas do you have?” Sodden asked. “I’ve got around 18 grown Gigas, not including the mutated male. They do have good stats, though.” Red said. “Okay. Uh…” Sodden said. He started looking around the base and looked up at the volcano’s steep slope. “Well, you basically have a natural wall that they would have to go around up there.” Sodden said as he pointed to the slope. “So the ideal positioning for the Gigas would be to split them up with a lot of Rexes around the walls. It is a pretty big base. So I think groups of 8 Rexes, along with 2 Gigas, could be used to spread them across the outside of the walls. Hopefully, that slows them down.” “That sounds like a good idea. Now we just gotta keep our tribemaster out of sight.” Red said. Then Serenity walked over to him. “I think I have a plan.” She said. Sodden nodded and the three walked back to the main base.
When the three entered the castle, they ran up the stairs and towards Denine’s room. They opened the doors, and Denine looked behind her to see them. She got up and walked to them. “What’s he doing here?” Denine said. “We’re going to get your shotgun back. I think we have a plan.” Red said. “We’re going to spread the Giga and Rex armies across the wall so we can hold off Nameless for at least a few seconds. Hopefully, we can talk to them during that time.” Sodden said. “Dude… how will we get them to give back the shotgun?” Denine said. “I don’t know. But we gotta think of something. I am not leaving this base until that shotgun is back in the right hands.” Sodden said. Red started to smile, and walked towards the door. “Okay, guys. Let’s do this.” He said. Everyone nodded and walked out the door.
After a few hours, a group of Gigas, along with people on them and a large orange banner on the leading Giga’s head, approached the walls of Nudon to see groups of Rexes and Gigas in front of the walls. Sodden, Serenity, and Rod stood on the wall’s bridge, looking through a spyglass. Red noticed the group coming and sent a message to another guy in the tribe, who was sitting in the deep depths of the castle. He led Denine into a vault that Nameless could never find. They’d easily destroy the vault with the shotgun, so the vault was hidden securely. As Nameless approached the walls, the person on the lead Giga stopped his Giga and stood up. “So we meet again!” He yelled. Red looked down and said, “Give us back the shotgun.” “Oh… don’t worry. We’ll give it back… if you do one little thing for us. Let us go in, and destroy your little tribemaster and that fraud… what was his name again? Whatever. It’s yours after that.” Cordor said. “No. You’re not getting through.” Red said. “Not? These Gigas are level 309, and are 100% imprinted. We worked hard to get levels that high. Their melee is 397%. We can easily break through.” Cordor said. “Well…” Red said. “You believe you’re so powerful. You don’t even have good Rexes.” Cordor said. “We did have good Rexes! Level 278, 480% melee, 100% imprinted! Then you killed them!” Red said. “What? No. The Rexes killed a Giga. These things were too poweful. In fact, I almost lost my 104 levels because of them. So we just captured them in large cages, and threatened to knock them out if they tried to kill us again.” Cordor said. “These things are good.” Sodden whispered in Red’s ear. “Yeah, but how could we let them out?” Red asked. Sodden pointed to the cages on the cart that the Gigas were pulling. The cart held 9 cages. One of the Rexes were Cato, who was bloodied, 90% torpored, and hungry. “Wait. Is that… Cato!? What did you do to him!” Red yelled as he noticed the color-mutated Rex in the front cage. “Oh… you’re lucky we spared him.” Cordor sneered as he looked back at the cages. Sodden thought of a plan then held Red’s shoulder. “Hey. I think I have a plan. I gotta go down there and let the Rexes out. I can release my pteranodon to distract the Gigas, then use the last Carcha to destroy the cages. The Rexes will do the rest.” Sodden said. “Okay. Be careful.” Red said. Sodden nodded then threw out his pteranodon. He got on then flew down into the walls, then out the gate, so that Nameless didn’t see him leaving. “Okay, Red. I’m getting impatient. Let us in.” Cordor said. Red didn’t say anything. He whistled attack on the Gigas, then a crowd of Theris came from the bottom of the hills, along with the Rexes and Gigas on the walls, then started biting the Gigas. “What!? Gigas, destroy them!” Cordor yelled. The Gigas bit a Theri’s head off then threw the body at a Rex. The Rex got blinded by the blood and a Giga pushed it off the hill. Then a few Rexes charged at the Giga’s leg but another Giga grabbed one of the Rexes and sunk its teeth deep into its body. Then as the Gigas were fighting, the growling and roaring drowned out the sound of Sodden’s pteranodon flapping his wings, approaching the cages. The pteranodon landed behind a rock and Sodden hopped off. The Gigas were looking forward, fighting the Theris and Rexes, and Sodden crept to the cart with the caged Rexes. He climbed up then threw out his Carcha. He climbed on the Carcha and inserted his mouth in the gaps of the metal cages, then his mouth closed and the cages made a loud snap. But the noise was still drowned out by screeching. The Carcha broke 5 more cages before someone turned around to get on a Giga and noticed Sodden’s Carcha breaking the cage. “Hey! Cordor, we’ve got a intruder!” The person yelled. Cordor turned around and his Giga screeched and charged at the Carcha. Sodden whistled for the Rexes to attack, and they charged at the Giga. The Giga tried to bite a Rex running from the side, but the Rex dodged and bit the legs. The Giga screeched and tripped, causing Cordor to fall off. The Rexes held him down with their feet, but Cordor took out the shotgun. “You forget I have the most powerful shotgun in the universe.” Cordor said. He pulled the trigger six times, and the Rex fell from 30,000 health to 3,000 in seconds. His Giga got up and rammed the Rex in the butt, then bit its tail and threw it towards the wall. The Rex burst through the wall, his HP on a whopping 1.2%, and there was a hole in the wall. Cordor looked up and saw Sodden on his Carcha, who was frozen. “This is your last chance. Tell me now where she is, and give me back these Rexes… or it’s curtains for you and everyone in your tribe! And your little ally too!” Cordor yelled angrily, holding the reloaded shotgun and aiming it at the Carcha. His finger was ready to pull the trigger. Sodden tried to think of something. He had to do something or else bad things would happen. Then as he was thinking, the trigger got pulled and the Carcha screeched in great pain. He went from 18000 health to 13500. “You got three chances left, buddy.” Cordor sneered. Sodden looked around and saw the injured Theris, Rexes, and Gigas. Then, he looked up to see a Giga going through the hole in the wall. Then Sodden got jumped and almost fell when his Carcha let out another screech. The shotgun went off again and the Carcha’s health dropped to 9,000. “Two.” Cordor growled. Sodden gasped as he looked up to see the Giga coming out of the hole, and Serenity dangling from the mouth. “How does it feel to be the cause of this?” Cordor said. Sodden stammered, trying to let out a answer, then the trigger pulled again and the Carcha let out a huge screech. 4500 health left! “Once I shoot this shotgun again… your stupid Carcha that you put above everyone else… she’s going to be gone. Then you have nothing left. Then your stupid ally will be next.” Cordor said. Then Sodden gasped and thought of something. He quietly took a cryopod out of his bag. “This is it. Tell me now. Ten…” Cordor sneered. Sodden dropped the cryopod, and Reaper the raptor came out. “Nine…” Cordor said. Below the Carcha’s bleeding tail and behind the broken claws, Reaper sat, waiting to strike. “Eight, seven, six, five…” Cordor said. Then someone on one of the Gigas shot the Carcha, and his health went to 4,465. It wouldn’t heal enough to tank another of the 4500 damage the shotgun did. “Four… three…” Cordor sneered, his voice rising. Sodden stood up and whistled a Rex at the bottom of the hill to come. “Two…” Cordor growled. Sodden prepared to whistle his final blow and send a attack that would hopefully get the shotgun back. He whistled loudly and Reaper and the Rex prepared to jump. “One…” Cordor yelled. He was about to pull the trigger when Reaper jumped at his head and knocked the shotgun out of his hands. The Rex held him down. Cordor stabbed the Rex’s feet with a sword, and he was about to throw the sword in the belly when something pierced his armor, causing it all to fall off and Cordor’s health dropping to zero. He collapsed instantly. Sodden aimed the shotgun at the Giga holding Sodden’s friend. The Giga whimpered and dropped Serenity, then ran away. The people opened the remaining cages and all the other Rexes ran out of the cages and towards the walls. The other Gigas, along with Nameless’ people, started walking. “We must retreat. We’ll get our revenge later.” Someone sneered as their Giga disappeared behind the hills. Sodden let out a cheer of excitement and ran into the base walls. He looked around to see the damage. A lot of Rexes and Theris died, but most of the Rexes that were stolen were safe, but injured. Red ran down the stairs inside of the walls, and ran out the door near the hole. “Sodden, you are truly a great one. I shouldn’t have misjudged you.” Red said. Sodden nodded then whistled for all the creatures to come. One by one, they walked through the hole. When all the creatures were in, Serenity, Red, and Sodden were standing besides the remaining parts of the army. “Sodden, that was insane. We did lose a lot of tames, though. But at least we’re still here and that shotgun is back where it belongs.” Red said. Sodden held out his fist and Red fist bumped him. Serenity nodded and Sodden walked to his pteranodon. “Well… all is done. We’ll rebuild, and I’ve got some creatures to kill.” He said. The two nodded. Sodden got on his pteranodon and took off towards the snow.
Over the course of an hour, death messages showed up. “Sodden (Level 60) killed a Megalodon! Killed a Megatherium! Killed a Mesopitcheus!”
Okay, the next chapter won’t be as long.
See you in Chapter 16.
I was flying around doing stuff when I saw this thing rip a truffle to shreds (all you nerds are gonna be saying the name of that Dino but we all know which one) I ended up landing and these are the words I really said. “There is something down there that doesn’t want to be seen by me but the fact I have swimmer so close to it and not notice it is terrifying” well at least something along the lines of that.
this is a story of a brave and courageous megalo: melon
i tamed melon at level 135 he was perfect, i tamed him in safe waters, he helped me alot with killing other sharks and even a leedsichthys!
when he was level 187 i took him out for a run, it went great! i collected alot of prime fish and tamed another megalo level 100, it was fine... i guess but still melon was my favourite!
anyways, he was good for pvp underwater, i ran into a guy on the plesiosaur, and killed him easily.. his plesiosaur was only level 90 or something, but melon took it out! especially with the bleed, took a lot of damage, but melon was fine, so i took him out to gather pearls.
i got 2000 pearls before stopping, and i even got a deep sea drop with a apprentice megalodon saddle, the saddle was good, then i went to look for a tuso, cuz i had black pearls.. BUT THEN i was tagged by a pack of megalos when i was off melon, i couldn’t do anything.. but then MELON.. he came in and attacked the megalos a viscous battle, i saw him destroying them!.. and he won, then i failed ti find any tuso and gave up, as i went home.. you wont believe it.. A GODAMN JELLY MOTHAF**KING FISH, he was trapped by like 10.. i tried and tried to save him with harpoons.. then i
i ran outta stamina and one came for me.. it killed me.. i tried to get there, but before i could.. he’s already dead.. i killed of the jellyfish.. and took his saddle, put a grave down.. and a storage box with his saddle..
it was my fault.. i wasn’t paying attention.. im sorry melon, i really am..
Rip melon the shark :(
-sincerely, (sad)HJK
Journey Through All Creatures
Chapter 15: Returning the God Shotgun
Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC order for Section I, and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Mammoth, next chapter in Microraptor.
Chapters to the end of Section I: 10
Original got posted in the wrong creature
After around an hour, the pteranodon approached the volcano and Sodden whistled for him to land in the base. The pteranodon flew around the volcano and into the walls of the base. Sodden hopped off and ran into the main base. He opened the castle doors and saw Red walking around. Red noticed Sodden there and walked to him. “Sodden, we have a problem. Our god shotgun is missing.” Red said. “Yeah, I was thinking about that. We’ve seen what these Gigas can do, and both our armies are broken.” Sodden said. “True. So…” Red said. “Our armies can’t handle that. We gotta get some Rexes. I was just going to find another spot to tame them.” Sodden said. “Yeah. Well, we gotta be on watch in case Cordor decides to pay us a visit.” Red said. “Uh… the tribemaster?” Sodden asked. “Yeah. He’s brutal. We are, however, breeding up a Giga army. It’s not much, but it might help a bit.” Red said. “Oh, okay. I’ll help you set things up.” Sodden said. Red nodded and walked out the door, and Sodden followed him.
Red and the others walked down to the breeding barn. To the left of it was a large pen with some Gigas in the center and air conditioners near the gates separating the inside of the barn from the Giga pen. Red pointed to the spot. “That’s our Giga breeding pen.” He said. Sodden and Serenity walked towards the pen, along with Red. The three looked over the fences and Red whistled for a Giga to come. It was a small, dark red Giga with a white belly. “This is one of our first mutated Gigas. It’s a female, so once she grows up, we’re gonna breed a large mutated army.” Red said as he petted the Giga on the head. “Well, okay. How many Gigas do you have?” Sodden asked. “I’ve got around 18 grown Gigas, not including the mutated male. They do have good stats, though.” Red said. “Okay. Uh…” Sodden said. He started looking around the base and looked up at the volcano’s steep slope. “Well, you basically have a natural wall that they would have to go around up there.” Sodden said as he pointed to the slope. “So the ideal positioning for the Gigas would be to split them up with a lot of Rexes around the walls. It is a pretty big base. So I think groups of 8 Rexes, along with 2 Gigas, could be used to spread them across the outside of the walls. Hopefully, that slows them down.” “That sounds like a good idea. Now we just gotta keep our tribemaster out of sight.” Red said. Then Serenity walked over to him. “I think I have a plan.” She said. Sodden nodded and the three walked back to the main base.
When the three entered the castle, they ran up the stairs and towards Denine’s room. They opened the doors, and Denine looked behind her to see them. She got up and walked to them. “What’s he doing here?” Denine said. “We’re going to get your shotgun back. I think we have a plan.” Red said. “We’re going to spread the Giga and Rex armies across the wall so we can hold off Nameless for at least a few seconds. Hopefully, we can talk to them during that time.” Sodden said. “Dude… how will we get them to give back the shotgun?” Denine said. “I don’t know. But we gotta think of something. I am not leaving this base until that shotgun is back in the right hands.” Sodden said. Red started to smile, and walked towards the door. “Okay, guys. Let’s do this.” He said. Everyone nodded and walked out the door.
After a few hours, a group of Gigas, along with people on them and a large orange banner on the leading Giga’s head, approached the walls of Nudon to see groups of Rexes and Gigas in front of the walls. Sodden, Serenity, and Rod stood on the wall’s bridge, looking through a spyglass. Red noticed the group coming and sent a message to another guy in the tribe, who was sitting in the deep depths of the cave. He led Denine into a vault that Nameless could never find. They’d easily destroy the vault with the shotgun, so the vault was hidden securely. As Nameless approached the walls, the person on the lead Giga stopped his Giga and stood up. “So we meet again!” He yelled. Red looked down and said, “Give us back the shotgun.” “Oh… don’t worry. We’ll give it back… if you do one little thing for us. Let us go in, and destroy your little tribemaster and that fraud… what was his name again? Whatever. It’s yours after that.” Cordor said. “No. You’re not getting through.” Red said. “Not? These Gigas are level 309, and are 100% imprinted. We worked hard to get levels that high. Their melee is 397%. We can easily break through.” Cordor said. “Well…” Red said. “You believe you’re so powerful. You don’t even have good Rexes.” Cordor said. “We did have good Rexes! Level 278, 480% melee, 100% imprinted! Then you killed them!” Red said. “What? No. The Rexes killed a Giga. These things were too poweful. In fact, I almost lost my 104 levels because of them. So we just captured them in large cages, and threatened to knock them out if they tried to kill us again.” Cordor said. “These things are good.” Sodden whispered in Red’s ear. “Yeah, but how could we let them out?” Red asked. Sodden pointed to the cages on the cart that the Gigas were pulling. The cart held 9 cages. One of the Rexes were Cato, who was bloodied, 90% torpored, and hungry. “Wait. Is that… Cato!? What did you do to him!” Red yelled as he noticed the color-mutated Rex in the front cage. “Oh… you’re lucky we spared him.” Cordor sneered as he looked back at the cages. Sodden thought of a plan then held Red’s shoulder. “Hey. I think I have a plan. I gotta go down there and let the Rexes out. I can release my pteranodon to distract the Gigas, then use the last Carcha to destroy the cages. The Rexes will do the rest.” Sodden said. “Okay. Be careful.” Red said. Sodden nodded then threw out his pteranodon. He got on then flew down into the walls, then out the gate, so that Nameless didn’t see him leaving. “Okay, Red. I’m getting impatient. Let us in.” Cordor said. Red didn’t say anything. He whistled attack on the Gigas, then a crowd of Theris came from the bottom of the hills, along with the Rexes and Gigas on the walls, then started biting the Gigas. “What!? Gigas, destroy them!” Cordor yelled. The Gigas bit a Theri’s head off then threw the body at a Rex. The Rex got blinded by the blood and a Giga pushed it off the hill. Then a few Rexes charged at the Giga’s leg but another Giga grabbed one of the Rexes and sunk its teeth deep into its body. Then as the Gigas were fighting, the growling and roaring drowned out the sound of Sodden’s pteranodon flapping his wings, approaching the cages. The pteranodon landed behind a rock and Sodden hopped off. The Gigas were looking forward, fighting the Theris and Rexes, and Sodden crept to the cart with the caged Rexes. He climbed up then threw out his Carcha. He climbed on the Carcha and inserted his mouth in the gaps of the metal cages, then his mouth closed and the cages made a loud snap. But the noise was still drowned out by screeching. The Carcha broke 5 more cages before someone turned around to get on a Giga and noticed Sodden’s Carcha breaking the cage. “Hey! Cordor, we’ve got a intruder!” The person yelled. Cordor turned around and his Giga screeched and charged at the Carcha. Sodden whistled for the Rexes to attack, and they charged at the Giga. The Giga tried to bite a Rex running from the side, but the Rex dodged and bit the legs. The Giga screeched and tripped, causing Cordor to fall off. The Rexes held him down with their feet, but Cordor took out the shotgun. “You forget I have the most powerful shotgun in the universe.” Cordor said. He pulled the trigger six times, and the Rex fell from 30,000 health to 3,000 in seconds. His Giga got up and rammed the Rex in the butt, then bit its tail and threw it towards the wall. The Rex burst through the wall, his HP on a whopping 1.2%, and there was a hole in the wall. Cordor looked up and saw Sodden on his Carcha, who was frozen. “This is your last chance. Tell me now where she is, and give me back these Rexes… or it’s curtains for you and everyone in your tribe! And your little ally too!” Cordor yelled angrily, holding the reloaded shotgun and aiming it at the Carcha. His finger was ready to pull the trigger. Sodden tried to think of something. He had to do something or else bad things would happen. Then as he was thinking, the trigger got pulled and the Carcha screeched in great pain. He went from 18000 health to 13500. “You got three chances left, buddy.” Cordor sneered. Sodden looked around and saw the injured Theris, Rexes, and Gigas. Then, he looked up to see a Giga going through the hole in the wall. Then Sodden got jumped and almost fell when his Carcha let out another screech. The shotgun went off again and the Carcha’s health dropped to 9,000. “Two.” Cordor growled. Sodden gasped as he looked up to see the Giga coming out of the hole, and Serenity dangling from the mouth. “How does it feel to be the cause of this?” Cordor said. Sodden stammered, trying to let out a answer, then the trigger pulled again and the Carcha let out a huge screech. 4500 health left! “Once I shoot this shotgun again… your stupid Carcha that you put above everyone else… she’s going to be gone. Then you have nothing left. Then your stupid ally will be next.” Cordor said. Then Sodden gasped and thought of something. He quietly took a cryopod out of his bag. “This is it. Tell me now. Ten…” Cordor sneered. Sodden dropped the cryopod, and Reaper the raptor came out. “Nine…” Cordor said. Below the Carcha’s bleeding tail and behind the broken claws, Reaper sat, waiting to strike. “Eight, seven, six, five…” Cordor said. Then someone on one of the Gigas shot the Carcha, and his health went to 4,465. It wouldn’t heal enough to tank another of the 4500 damage the shotgun did. “Four… three…” Cordor sneered, his voice rising. Sodden stood up and whistled a Rex at the bottom of the hill to come. “Two…” Cordor growled. Sodden prepared to whistle his final blow and send a attack that would hopefully get the shotgun back. He whistled loudly and Reaper and the Rex prepared to jump. “One…” Cordor yelled. He was about to pull the trigger when Reaper jumped at his head and knocked the shotgun out of his hands. The Rex held him down. Cordor stabbed the Rex’s feet with a sword, and he was about to throw the sword in the belly when something pierced his armor, causing it all to fall off and Cordor’s health dropping to zero. He collapsed instantly. Sodden aimed the shotgun at the Giga holding Sodden’s friend. The Giga whimpered and dropped Serenity, then ran away. The people opened the remaining cages and all the other Rexes ran out of the cages and towards the walls. The other Gigas, along with Nameless’ people, started walking. “We must retreat. We’ll get our revenge later.” Someone sneered as their Giga disappeared behind the hills. Sodden let out a cheer of excitement and ran into the base walls. He looked around to see the damage. A lot of Rexes and Theris died, but most of the Rexes that were stolen were safe, but injured. Red ran down the stairs inside of the walls, and ran out the door near the hole. “Sodden, you are truly a great one. I should’ve misjudged you.” Red said. Sodden nodded then whistled for all the creatures to come. One by one, they walked through the hole. When all the creatures were in, Serenity, Red, and Sodden were standing besides the remaining parts of the army. “Sodden, that was insane. We did lose a lot of tames, though. But at least we’re still here and that shotgun is back where it belongs.” Red said. Sodden held out his fist and Red fist bumped him. Serenity nodded and Sodden walked to his pteranodon. “Well… all is done. We’ll rebuild, and I’ve got some creatures to kill.” He said. The two nodded. Sodden got on his pteranodon and took off towards the snow.
Over the course of an hour, death messages showed up. “Sodden (Level 60) killed a Megalodon! Killed a Megatherium! Killed a Mesopitcheus!”
Okay, the next chapter won’t be as long.
See you in Chapter 16.
I tamed a level 20-something megalodon (took forever) and on the way home I watched in horror on my raft as the first alpha megalodon I have ever seen came out of nowhere and absolutely slaughtered her, then disappeared as fast as it came. 1 like = 1 prayer for un-named female megalodon.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 54: Morality
Part 1/2
“Whew, that was a close call,” Neddy said, wiping sweat off his face.
The five were resting on the small mountain they had spotted earlier upon entering the Redwoods. It was easy to see if anything was coming their way, and plus high ground was always an advantage in any battle.
Samuel eyed his injury with grimace. The sting mark was swollen and was starting to form a really nasty, pus-filled bump. Samuel really wanted to pop it, but he knew that would just make it infected.
“I should just patch it up,” Samuel thought. Samuel grabbed the sleeve of his graduation robe, then with one pull he tore it right off. He doused the article in clean water and wrapped it around his wound. The cool, wet water felt cool on his skin. He sighed in relief, as he tied a knot with it.
“Just like how Dad did,” Samuel murmured.
As Samuel looked off in the distance, he could spot a waterfall tucked away behind some sequoia trees. That looked like a good spot for a shelter. Perhaps there was someone there? Samuel decided that they should go there next.
“But not yet,” Samuel thought, rubbing his hands together, “I’m… tired? Yeah. I am.”
Samuel ruffled the back of his hair, and he could feel his father’s voice in his ear. His words still haunted his head every time he thought of his father.
And then that vivid day came back to him in an instant…
“Ow, ow, ow!” Samuel cried in pain. There was a giant gash on his heel, and it was oozing blood. Tears streaked down from his eyes, leaving his face hot and wet.
Samuel was sitting on the hot concrete floor. The sun was out again. And Samuel’s bicycle lay crashed against a post, the wheel popped and the bar bent. Samuel could see a red haze in the bushes.
“Mom? MOM!” Samuel shouted in agony.
Footsteps slowly approached him, and Samuel blinked his eyes, seeing a blurry figure slowly approaching him. He wore a black t-shirt and had well-defined arms. He wore black sweatpants too, even in this weather.
“Samuel? Oh my, what a fall!”
“Dad, I fell, Dad!”
“I can tell.”
Dad got on one knee, and Samuel’s vision began to return. Dad’s eyes were vibrant, yet so monotone at the same time. He had a spark, yet there was no passion. Dad eyed Samuel’s injury with no worry.
“Does it hurt?”
“It hurts, Dad. Help me, please. It hurts.”
Dad looked into Samuel’s tear-filled eyes, then got up.
“Let’s go back inside. I’ll fix you right up.”
Samuel looked at Dad’s hand. Samuel held his hand out. Dad raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Come on, Samuel. Get up. You can do it.”
Samuel put his injured foot out and attempted to propel himself up, but as he did, his foot went numb and he fell to the ground again. Samuel groaned, tears falling from his face.
“Dad, please.”
“Just one step at a time pal.”
Samuel looked at his bleeding heel again and groaned. He took his other foot, and with one giant push, he hurled himself up from the ground. His arms dangled by his side, and he lifted his arm up to wipe the tears away.
I have an absolute masterpiece of a story to tell everyone.
One day I was walking around water with my Dodo, and I got a message
"your Dodo killed a megalodon"
And I thought "what in the hell?"
It turned out that my Dodo made a megalodon jump onto land, then my Dodo killed it somehow. That was the bravest Dodo I've ever heard of or seen in my life. He even gave me the megalodon tooth and i think it said
"blah blah something only true hunters can obtain, blah blah blah" or something like that.
I think that this same Dodo was one that somehow survived the last stand against the Theirozino. If you don't know about this then go to the stories section in the theirozino section.
I flippin hate these underwater trodons. Let me tell you my story
So i tamed a mosa in underwater cave(50 mosa)and named it titanic
I was gonna get my mosa home and it took ages.
On the final strech, THESE LITTLE GOBLINS jumped my mosa i spent 3 hours taming and the mosa sat there as it got eaten.
I frickin cried for 10 whole minutes and now i hate megs the most out of any creature in the game even more than titanoboas.
RIP the titanic. Im gonna tame another mosa and if it dies, imma quit ark.
The Obelisk
-Chapter 77-
Hungry, bloodthirsty fire, blazing from all directions, bright and hot as it burned everything in sight.
Crimson turned around in a full circle, searching for a spot to escape. She looked down and realized she was on a small island. A small ring of water separated her from the burning mess beyond.
She stared at the still water, flames and screaming carnivores reflected on its surface.
Then she heard a voice, two voices, the voices she’d never expected to hear since that day.
“Crimson!” Her parents cries echoed from beyond the fire. Crimsons eyes widened. “Mom? Dad?” She heaved herself up onto her back legs as they yelled her name.
Once more she glanced down at the water.
Her parents called again.
Crimson roared and leaped over the water, straight into the fire. She ran and ran and jumped high onto a fallen rock spire, right before spotting her parents fighting back flames.
Quick as lightning Crimson leaped down and landed with a thud in front of them.
“Crimson?” Her dad exclaimed.
“We have to get out of here!” Crimson yelled. “Come on!”
The Kapros turned and ran as far as they could, through the falling trees and smoke as the world fell in flames around them.
Still running, Crimson looked to her mother and father. “Im sorry,” she yelled. “Im sorry I couldn’t save you!”
“It’s not your fault, Crimson,” Her mother said, turning her head to look at her as they ran. “You were so young.”
“I just wish I could have done something,” Crimson cried.
“It’s ok,” Father said. “We know you would have.”
“Everything’s going to be alright.”