ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Easiest way to KO this is to get it stuck in a rock, which are everywhere along the shoreline of the red wood forest. Hit it with a club, but be careful not to kill it. Use mejoberrys, as they tame it faster. Because they flee they can be easily lured into a taming pen of other structure
More Megaloceros Taming & KO Tips
My best tips to offer are,
1. If you have an argy use it to pick up one(it won't attack you when you pick it up)
2. Carry it to a safe place where you can ko it or where a trap is( I just chased it and and used a crossbow)
3. Feed it simple kibble for easy taming time( I used berry's and it tamed pretty quickly)
4. Watch over it and don't let anything kill it
5. Bam put a saddle on it and ride around
6. Males can attack but females can't
7. Have fun
Pls up so other people can see and if this helped you also up thank you for reading
Just get your longneck and two tranq darts, hop on your argy with a friend on his/her argy and go to redwoods, get super close and shoot it, then get 20 tintoberries and feed it to the Megaloceros, the males have antlers and the females donβt have antlers, up this so all can see
Iβve seen nobody say this but you can bola them, im taming a lvl 100 and I just used a bola and 3 trank darts
Funny story, just recently I tamed myself one of these. Before I left base I crafted the saddle for it in my smithy then made my way to the snow biome. (Yes, I know there is deer in the redwoods too I just didnβt want to have to deal with raptors and terror birds), anyways so I tame the deer, and put the saddle in its inventory, only to realize I crafted a megalosaurus saddle instead of a megalaceros saddle lol π
My first Deer tame was a male, i bola him, knock him out wth my fists, feed him mejoberries and keep him asleep with narcoberries
Please note that females do not attck AT ALL. Boost speed, stam and weight and theyre the best mule ever though...
They are very fast once taken damage from so try to hit them when they are facing a wall. If there is no walll nearby, bola is best solution.
Information All that I know: 1. These things are speedy as heck. You need to be fast to catch one. 2. They spawn in Redwood, so be careful. Redwood is much harder to survive in, in my opinion. 3. You have to feed it berries, or anything avalible around you that is a berry, if you don't have one. 4. These things can eat eggs if they are tamed. Fr, literal dino eggs if they are tamed. 5. You got to be strong, because these deers also can have health that can take long to take down. 6. Try not to kill em, they make good pets in my opinion. -Mobile, 2022, TinaZ. You dont need much, its very simple to knock em out.
Bola it itβs a deer a literal DEER YOU THINK IT NOT BOUND AWAY BOLA IT
Easy tame, just use bolas, trap/protect it with spike walls, feed berries, and use narcotics/narco berries to keep torpor up. I play on a small tribes server and tamed a max level in less than an hour with 3x.