ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Maewings are kind of easy to tame. And there really really usful to. Their easier to find on gen 2 and easier to tame since gen two is basically easy Ark. They also spawn in lost island but harder to tame and if you try to tame one in lost island your just making it harder on yourself to be honest
More Maewing Encountering Tips
You can also find these things in Fjordur!! Like so the devs can know
You can find Maewings all over Asgard!! I've had some problems trying to find and tame one in the red woods on Fjordur, but after I found them in Asgard it became super easy to get a high level one, because it is a much friendlier region than the red woods. UP so nobody has to go through the pain of dying in the red woods for a Maewing ever again :)
Thought that they would suck at PVE you THOUGHT WRONG. These things are great travel mounts, not just good for stealing enemy babies.
Even though it does not say Maewings spawn on Fjordour they do I saw one at 23;83 by the structures
On Fjordur, maewings will spawn much more in the colder, northern area of the redwoods.
According to the patch notes these things are big!
these things have bounteous teats be careful
If you want to knock out and tame a maewing, use the net projectile and net it. If you don't, one hit makes it flee and it'll fly away into the sky and you'll have to chase it. The net immobilizes it so you can take your time knocking it out.
You can find them on the list island map I saw my first few today im loving the new map
In case it wasn't already obvious, it doesn't fly, it glides.