ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I wish you could tame this with out commands
More King Titan Everything Else Tips
Did someone tell me how to use commands in ASE cuz I literally do not know! O_O
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It’s too bad you can’t tame this thing
Who would win in a fight 100,000 giga’s or the Alpha King Titan. (Like for King Titan, dislike for giga’s) disclaimer, I don’t dislike giga’s, nor am I trying to offend anyone else who does, I just need a way of knowing your opinion.
Why is every one saying he is Godzilla off wish? Like seriously Godzilla dreamed of terraforming earth to his will. The king titan didn’t dream he did it. He literally made humanity leave earth and was only beat by people with plot armor. Not to mention he is way larger and far stronger physically. Here is why he is Godzilla 2.0:
He is larger and physically stronger.
He stopped earth just to make it stale.
He corrupted everything on earth with element.
He can summon meteors from outer space which were the size of mountains.
He also made highly advanced humans leave Earth.
I know Earth Godzilla is larger and also made humans leave Earth, but he never stopped earth from rotating like the king titan did. Nor did he do any type of terraforming anywhere, he also cant pull large meteors from outer space. He is also capable of knocking back large beings like the mega mecha and other titans. In my opinion the King Titan is stronger than most godzillas even thermonuclear. I still think there is stronger godzillas for example magic domain and godzilla in hell. Still this is no reason to call him a rip-off, he outscales any mv movie godzilla, maybe a few hesei might compare but it wouldn’t just any Godzilla. Just read the lore or listen to before you yap crap.- Boss Slayer
To BossSlayer
1: There Powers
You realize that Shin Godzilla could laser the whole world, and he had his giant tail that shot out that radioactive laser. Plus, in Godzilla x Kong, Godzilla becomes the most powerful Kaiju, and many Godzillas haven’t died, including the American Godzilla (One from Godzilla x Kong) and Minus One, he never died, and he destroyed all of Tokyo and made it radioactive. Yes, the king titan can summon meteors and he did infest the whole world and stop its rotation, and almost made the humans extinct. Yet, you kill him.
2: There motives
Most godzillas, including the Showa Era ones, are trying to save the earth, not destroy it. And the reason they try to destroy the humans is because we are destroying Earth.
So yeah, I mean the king titan isn’t a bootleg Godzilla but it’s not more op then Godzilla. I think it would be better to say it’s an evil titan and it’s good in its ways, not better then a Godzilla.
Ark needs to add bosses to mobile
A lot of people say that Godzilla would easily be able body the king titan but I have some different news to display as well as some evidence. So let’s get started.
Leg Godzilla: 154 meters tall. Weight: I forgot
King titan: 278 meters tall. Weight: I have memory loss D:
Now we have even ground as legendary godzilla is the most renowned Kaiju. And the king titan the most powerful titan in ark. So let’s start off with the fact that the king titan already has the height advantage, but I’m pretty sure I screwed up how tall they are… but I can reassure you that the king titan is a few meters tall taller.
Strength: godzilla: upper body 6/10 lower body: 8/10.
Range: Godzilla: Melee: 4/10 range: 9/10.
Strength: King titan: Upper body 9/10 Lower body: 6/10.
Range: King Titan: Melee 8/10 range: 5/10.
Now we have this out of the way let’s say Godzilla and the king titan were to cross paths, Godzilla would obviously be confused as would the king titan, but let’s just say they’re not confused. We know that Godzilla usually forces titans to submit or he kills them, so this would go either ranged or melee confrontation. Unlike the king titan who tends to prefer melee, but will use range if necessary.
So here’s how it would work in a ranged confrontation. Godzilla powers up his plasma beam. And the king titan would do the same, but when they collide, the beam goes straight through the king titans fire ball. Boom dead. Godzilla would be the clear winner here.
This is how it would work in a melee confrontation. Godzilla charges, the king titan walks up. So what would happen here is that the king titan has the upper body strength to cripple a titan like Godzilla, even though he can heal he couldn’t survive swings, slugs and punches from this titan. So in a melee confrontation king titan wins any way.
So who would win?
Melee: king titan
Range: godzilla
Strength:king titan
Weight: king titan
Feats: godzilla
Speed: godzilla
Height: king titan
So the answer lies in how where they fight, king titan would easily win a melee fight with the height advantage and upper body strength of a tank. But in range godzilla would win with his plasma beam, and the ability to regenerate. So now you know :D
Thx for reading!
The king titan is a brute made of pure element, using his sheer strength to vanquish his enemies. By far one of the best boss fights on ark!
But I made this tip to talk about something else! (This is my opinion) in a fight with godzilla, and the king titan, who do you think would win?
Really it’s hard to tell so let’s simplify things a bit. Godzilla is arround 240 meters tall I think? Or maybe taller. King titan in game is 170 meteres, but hold on. In lore he’s 270 meters tall. This doesn’t mean anything of course so let’s dig a little deeper.
Godzilla’s thing is taking down titans! It’s like his little hobby! If there’s a titan nearby he knows. The king titan? Well in lore he single handedly took over earth, corrupted the minds of three other titans to aid him. Doing all this, ig he deserves to sit back his throne and take a little break.
The king titan has godzilla beat in upper body strength. Godzilla has most of his mass in his lower body, so his center of gravity is impeccable. As well as his posture. You can’t say the same with the king titan, excluding the center of gravity thing, his posture is hunched where his neck. This isn’t a bad thing the plates on his back restrict him from looking up anyway.
They both have ranged attacks, Godzilla taking the more OP approach via giant beam. King titan shoots a element infused orb.
So who would win? Well the truth is in the movies godzilla has never been killed. Not once. He’s been knocked down for a few good minutes but he has never actually died. Except for Dagon, I’m not sure how he died regardless, godzilla survived a thermonuclear bomb, that blew up inside of him, instead of killing him. It made his stronger somehow.
End result? Godzilla has main character immunity and was never intended to be defeated.
King titan in lore nothing was able to knock him off his throne. Written in a explorer note in extinction logged the first “successful” fight against the king titan. This was through the use of a gigantic Mech just a few meters shy of the king titan. The Mech was equipped with a gigantic element infused sword. During the fight the note states the Mech is the Mega Mek. Not only that but it managed to slice the king titan in the chest. (Not killing it) and the King Titan retreated. Eventually to return to take it out.
End result? The King Titan is a boss, and since bosses are meant to be defeated to progress in the game, we can safely say that if Godzilla were to fight the King Titan, it would always end in a draw due to the fact that they are similar in almost every way. They both have ranged attack, both are colossal beasts, both are aggresive, both have regeneration abilitys etc.
Conclusion? Nobody wins! Hooray for disappointment am I right guys :D