ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Karkinos Stories Tips
Night of Flames (Chapter 1)
Trap ran in looking horrified,
Scythe asked Trap what the issue was, "dodorex" Trap responded "it-it ate Sky!" The whole room gasped,Scythe asked where Trap had seen it "it was by the red obelisk!" Trap answerd, then Scythe asked everyone if they should hunt it down. "Yes, it ate my best friend, It has to die" a voice chirped, it was Jim "we have to destroy it!" People started to agree with him.
Get this to 25 likes and I will make another! -No name
Protectors of Pandora
Chapter 57 ~Traitor~
Caesar looked around, he was not in the manticore arena, he was in a lime green lit control room. “I gotta say, well done. You have succeeded, I knew you would, but you can’t stop me. There’s only 14 hours in that clock Caesar.” Salizar said.
Cinder looked around the arena, she noticed a skeleton, it was the manticore. “It’s dead..” Charr said. “So now what?” Jaxz asked. “Where’s Caesar?” Darrel asked. “He was on Lagoon right?” Jaxz said. They heard a snarling roar, a huge manticore stepped out from behind a huge rock, it’s muzzle was dripping with green saliva. “Kill for Father..” it said in its hideous voice. “Go! Find Caesar, we’ll deal with this…” Cinder said.
“How are you doing this! I removed the implant!” Caesar said. “That’s not important Caesar! What is important is that I tell you this!” Salizar said. “Tell me what!” Caesar said. “Soon you and all your friends will die, and I will rule my new world, I’m thinking of SalizARK? Hmm? No to boastful.. I’ll come up with something.” Salizar said. Caesar laughed. “What?! What could possibly be funny!!” Salizar snapped. “You, your so hellbent on revenge that you can’t even enact your plan, you must face me in some epic battle of glory, WHY! To prove yourself?! Why is killing me so important to you! I’ve done nothing but protect my friends!” Caesar said. “That’s what you think you are, a protecter of pandorans.” Salizar said chuckling. “No you’re their doom.”
Jaxz flew up to Lagoon with Darrel, the other Gigantopithicus were up there already, “where’s Caesar?!” Darrel asked. “What do you mean, he’s in there.” The chief said. They opened the door, they saw Stainly and Caesar both unconscious, Stainly’s arm translator had cords going from him to Ceasar. “What’s going on!” The chief said.
“You’re the reason I broke out of that cell, your the reason I was tortured by the humans. AND YOU TOOK THEIR SIDE!” Salizar shouted. “I DIDN’T TAKE THE HUMANS SIDE! YOU WERE TRYING TO DESTROY A PLACE THAT YOU ALREADY RID OF HUMANS!” Caesar said. “What do you mean, ‘“were trying.”’ I succeede-” “no, you succeeded in destroying Pandora, but the Pandorans live. All you did is take their home.” Caesar said. Salizar was speechless for a moment. “It all makes sense now, the Pandoran overseer, I didn’t kill it.. WHERE DID THE PEOPLE GO!” Salizar asked. “Why does it matter! They are not humans!” Caesar said. “THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE IF THEY SIDED WITH YOU!” Salizar shouted. “SALIZAR STOP THIS MADNESS! WHEN WILL IT END?!?” Caesar shouted. “When I am rid of you!!!” Salizar yelled.
“What do we do?!” Jaxz asked. “Only one thing to do.” The Chief said, he ripped the tek cords out of Caesar, when he did Stainly woke. “Stainly?” Jaxz asked. “Wha- what happened..” Stainly asked. “Kinda seems like you didn’t kick Salizar far enough out of you system.” Birch said. “What? We completely rebooted it, the only way that could’ve happened is if someone reuploaded his virus.” Stainly said. “Where’s Oak..” the Chief asked.
“Your weak Salizar, your so absorbed in this conflict that you’ve lost yourself! We used to be friends! Now, all I see is a villain.” Caesar said. “I AM NOT THE VILLAIN! You are!” Salizar shouted. “Heroes don’t destroy entire arks of innocents just for revenge.” Caesar said. He never heard Salizars retort, because he woke up.
“What happened?” Caesar asked. “Oaks a traitor! He reuploaded Salizar back into my arm!” Stainly said. “WHAT?!” Caesar said. “I’ve wiped him out again but you should go help them!” Stainly said. Caesar walked over to the window and looked out, the wyverns were flocking around an alpha manticore, while the gigantopithicus and Jaxz were searching around the arena for Oak, he was nowhere to be seen. “He must’ve uploaded the hack and ran for it.” Caesar said, “he’s probably already with Salizar.”
The Obelisk
-Chapter 62-
They’d finally reached the end of Runheimr.
The moon was at its highest, casting shiny glimmers of moonlight onto the Fives feathers and scales.
Bramble sat down with a tired sigh. “We’re here.”
“I guess this is goodbye,” Forest said to him.
Bramble nodded slowly. “It was an honor to be with you all.”
“Thanks for everything,” Nyx said.
The others murmured in agreement, each paying their farewells. Forest wished Bramble good luck with Coal.
“Don’t worry; I’ll make sure Coal’s back on his two legs and running home in no time,” Bramble assured. “Now go! Get outta here.” He waved them away with his paws before thumping back onto all fours again. “May the Prophecy come true, and we meet again.”
Forest smiled fondly at him. Inclining his head in respect, he turned to pad towards the others. The edge of the Dark Forest loomed over them as they left. Forest breathed in one last scent of the shadowy woodland, looked behind him to see Bramble saying goodbye, and followed the others away from the place that had given them no mercy.
Epic battle scenario:
Ten Karkinos, each carrying two Velonasaurs. X-Argies overhead carrying more Velonasaurs
Opponents: Two gigas and a squadron of X-Rexes
Area: Genesis Volcano
The Karkinos smash the Rexes, whipping the Velonasaurs back and forth. The Velonasaurs fire at the enemies. The gigas knock a lot of the Velonasaurs into lava, but the argys drop reinforcements down. The Karkinos fire the Velonasaurs at the gigas, but they are killed. The remaining crabs knock the giga back into the lava and the Velonasaurs finish it off.
Unfortunately, you can’t fire Velonasaurs when you pick them up with a crab, but this is a cool concept
So one day when I was new to abberation, with nothing but some cloth armour a slingshot and a stone hatchet I saw a karkinos coming towards my humble home of nothing more than a hexagon of wooden foundations and a fire, I was to low to fight it but I still tried and failed, then I saw it had killed my beloved bulbsog, my first tame, I rushed back to where I died grabbed the hatchet and attacked it, swimming further out into the lake I was able to lure the horrid beast to the bottom and get it stuck there, it was my first victory against a karkinos, or anything other than dodos, I tamed new bulbdogs and lived with them in my hexagon of foundations until I was fed up enough with the total lack of any wood or thatch in my area and changed to god mode, soon I dove into the lake to see how deep it went and found a karkinos, unmistakably the karkinos that killed my bulbdog, I tamed her and named her scissor, she has been a loyal and useful tame ever since
The Riddles of the phoenixes series.
Through the eyes of the Dark phoenixes.
(The first book starts in achatina and continues in abc order and then the second and third follow it)
Prologue: À brief history of the phoenix kingdoms.
A long long time ago there was one phoenix kingdom. Ruled by King Arthum and Queen Lily. They had five children all with different abilities. The phoenixes were a secret kingdom that protected the world from threats seeking to destroy the universe. They passed down medallions with special powers that were made from implants and elements so that the children were protected. These medallions also granted them several lives, which was a blessing and a curse. All was well. Until the children of Arthum and Ivy got older and began to fight about who would have the throne. They didn’t know! And frankly neither did their parents. The fights grew until finally Arthum and Lily decided to split the kingdom. Each child got a kingdom. And then there were five kingdoms. Fire or Red phoenixes, the Dark phoenixes, Lightning phoenixes,Shadow phoenixes, and Rain Forest phoenixes. Prince Edmund ruled the Shadow. And Princess Ivy ruled the Rain Forest. Princess Eliane ruled Fire or red. Princess Nora ruled the Dark. Prince Xavier ruled the lightning. Fire or the Red phoenixes controled fire. The Dark phoenixes could bring people back from the dead but they refused to because they knew it was wrong. The Lightning phoenixes controlled the weather. The Shadow phoenixes could control shadows and usually the rightful heir to the throne inherited shadow powers. The Rain Forest phoenixes could manipulate plant growth. They built a giant forest for them to live in. The kingdoms lived in peace and harmony for many years until one day. One day a man named Tom destroyed the Shadow phoenixes kingdom. He killed the king and queen, his own parents, and then hunted down the last living heir besides himself. But he didn’t stop there. Tom started trying to destroy all the other kingdoms so that he could rule them and the world. And that leads us to the predicament we are in today…
---Bob The Survivor, God of The ARKs---
Origins: Chapter Two: The Crab of The Underworld
John had finally reached the bottom of a chasm in this desolate earth rid of most large carnivores, it seemed. He saw a large crab and it had strange purple spots at the joints. The rest of its body seemed blue, but the light down here was weird. It searched the area, hearing his footsteps, it followed John to the base of a steep wall and cornered him. He was able to fight it off; he had flak armor. He needed a name for it. He remembered a strange name of a crab he saw somewhere call Karkinos. He decided to call it that to report back to Helena. He was thankful he hadn't died and reported to Helena with no more incidents.
The righteous (aberration version)
Chapter 2 ( read chapter 1 to understand! It’s on ravager)
As Eric sunk into the water, he tried his hardest to get to shore, there was a piranha biting at his feet, he pierced it with his pike
“Must.. get.. to shore” Eric said half underwater
He got to the shore to a raptor staring right at him
He didn’t have energy so.. he accepted his Fate
But.. there was some thing familiar about this raptor..
“Rarks? Is.. that you” said Eric
The raptor sniffed him out, and got low sod Eric could ride her.
“It’s really you rarks!” He said as he got on the raptor
He noticed on his soggy map that he was heading to mushroom forest..
But then! A giant blue and purple karkinos came crawling out with a stomp
“Uh oh!” Said eric
His raptor bared her teeth and snarled
The karkinos tried to grab the raptor but she’s to fast!
“This is not good!” Yelled Eric
The raptor let out a screech of pain when the karkinos stepped on it
The raptor called with a roar and 3 other raptors jumped on the karkinoses back as they ripped the chitin plates off its back, finally killing it, it tumbled to the ground as the raptors ran away
Eric looked at rarks and said “ this is gonna be an adventure..”
Next one on rolerat, I didn’t start making story’s long ago! And I think I’m doing pretty good! :D luv u
Hi I’m WhiteWinterTiger or for short WWT and I present to you from WWT productions,
Spooky scary Halloween stories
Book 1
“Do we have to do this Lynx” asked Rorin “yes, you clearly haven’t heard enough legends and story’s” replied Lynx is this your way of getting me to believe in prophecy’s?” Asked Rorin “Yes! No! Maybe! Anyway here’s the first story....”
Once upon a time there where 5 strong humans and one of them, a girl named Coco, now these where the strongest of the humans and they thought they where so strong they could be gods so they decided to try to become gods and they did and coco had become Orin the god of death and destruction. The other gods decided that she was to cruel to be a god so they sent her back down to the ground with the mortals and turned her back in to one. Orin was so upset that she spent the rest of her life trying to get revenge on the gods until the day she died, it was an oddly stormy day and many animals and humans died, they where also struck with a mysterious fatal disease causing even more to die. Now if you ever see gates opening on their own, things floating, tames going missing, babies dying for odd reasons, or tames chasing after something then getting lost and it’s like they just disappeared that was the work of Orin’s ghost still trying to get revenge by tearing the world apart one by one...
Well folks, I hope your scared, and please feel free to post feedback in the purple dye tips or if you want me to share your scary stories feel free to tell me them on purple dye and if you leave your name I’ll give you a shoutout and thank you for the story.
The cave (ep 1 S 1)
The sun was blazing hot. Too hot to be exact. The man was burning in the sun, then, a obelisk came crashing through the sky. The man was afraid. The obelisk made the sun turn radioactive! The man quickly ran for shelter, he found a cave. He hid in there, but while at it, he saw the three main obelisks crashed and broken. He found a ancient device that told him "You must Survi-". The man was confused. The fourth one was the one he needed to destroy to survive. LIKE FOR MORE