ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Found it easy to throw a bola at them and easily shoot with tranqs to knock it out.
More Kaprosuchus Taming & KO Tips
Most legitimate taming method for Kapros lvl 50 or lower(I did this at level 8, barely leveled health, and haven’t tested on high levels so it might work on them as well)
Step 1: find yourself a nice spot in the swamp to sit down near the water with your club and relax
Step 2: Get jumped by Kapro
Step 3: start clubbing/punching Kapro, it won’t be able to escape as you are in its mouth
Step 4: feed it literally any meat, I haven’t had problems with kapros actually waking up
Easy tame, you’re welcome
Easy kapro taming
1. Get meat, a crossbow, and 10 to 50 tranqs, and a bed
2. Find a good swamp where kapros spawn
3. Find a safe place to set down the bed. Now you have a respon point
4. Find a good kapro
5. Let him (or her!) pick you up
6. Keep shooting tranqs at its head
7. Feed it raw or prime meat
8. Name it based off of its color
9. Make its saddle
10. Take your kapro out for a spin
My name is kai the Dino guy and here’s how to tame a Kaprosuches
1. Bolas do work so first you bola the Karpo you’ve Ben watching
2. Club him in the rear end until he knocks out .
3. Put your choice of narcotics or narcoberries in its inventory .well I use bio toxin from jellyfish so easy to get and very effective .
4. Use meat or prime meat prime works the best
5 123 you’ve tamed a Karpo
If this gets 20 l!kes I’ll do how to take carno
Signed kai the Dino guy
DO NOT LAND FOR STAMINA IN THE SWAMP!!!! i lost my best Pteranodon and all my gear to a lvl 100 these guys arent ment to be taken likely and make Sarcos look like dodos
On mobile they ARE affected by bolas
When in swamps, watch yourself. These things will leap at you from nowhere, and they WILL take you off your mount if they touch you
Here’s how I did it.
Step 1. Find low lvl Kapro
Step 2. Run at Kapro
Step 3. Punch Kapro til it faints
Step 4. Shove boa meat down it’s throat
This method worked twice for me, with a lvl 1 and a lvl 3. If you’re going for a high lvl, a crap load a health will see that this method still works
Pickup with argentavis drop into your taming box as usual. Will fit easily into 2x3. Walls should be at least 3 high.
This has to be the funnest mount ever.
I’m sure we all know the Kapro’s famously annoying pounce, that makes the swamp almost impossible to navigate early on. They will yoink you off your flyer, inject stamina-reducing venom, and carry you around until you die. And sometimes they will kill you another way- once I was in the swamp and a Kapro pounced me, as expected. But this was a rare breed, the deadly sky Kapro. It launched the both of us straight up, so high I had a clear view of the whole island. Instinctively I stabbed it in the face, and killed it. But I was still hundreds of feet in the air, so then fell to my death. So if anyone wants an ark horror game, just go to the swamp at night.
Trust me, you’ll get the scare of a lifetime.
All this aside, I always loved Kapros, as soon as I saw my first one. They were cool-looking, and I always wanted one. One day, I was around level 10 in a multiplayer server. I was in the swamp, and had a clever idea. I waited till a snake picked the wrong fight, then swooped in to get some loot. I got 1 tranq arrow, but that was enough. Crafting a bow and a club, I sought out a nice green low-level. I got it to chase me to a small cliff side, where I fired off my arrow. Then I allowed it to grab me, and started pummelling it. Soon it was knocked out. I fed it some meat, tamed it up, and went dodo hunting. Sadly, it was killed within ten minutes.
That was my first Kapro tame, but after that I became a fanatic. I tamed 3 Kapros in single player, and bred and imprinted a third. I would have tamed many, many more if it wasn’t for the ark mobile tame limit. These I tamed with a few simple crossbow shots and raw meat. At the time of taming these, I was level 30-40. Their health stat is not very good, but better than a raptor. Their stamina is not the best, but speed is ok. Weight is crappy. They have three attacks: your basic bite, a snatch attack to pick up small prey, and the pounce, which launches straight forward and grabs small creatures (and humans). It’s base attack does good damage, but the launch ability has amazing damage. My lvl 35 imprinted Kapro does around 400 damage on impact (I play on easy, so that’s pretty good) All in all, they are underrated, fun, and deadly.
Guys alam ko na ayaw na ayaw nyo toh alright? kinig muna kayo plz... Mabilis ito at alam man ninyo na binababa nito ang stamina ng kaniyang inaatake, pagkat gamitin mo to sa pagtame ng Yuty at lahat na mabilis
kinakarga rin nito ang mga ibang maliliit na hayop
galing no?
I know people deem it annoying but hear me out guys
they're fast in water and land
and decrease enemy stamina
so you can use them for taming ANYTHING fast
maybe not Gallimimus but yk what I mean
maybe Yuty
they also pick up small stuff
pretty nice
-inexperienced ARK player